本文介绍了由Maven管理的Java EE应用程序中的JBoss提供的库的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


对我来说实际上几乎是不可能的,但是对于将JBoss提供的依赖项导入到Maven管理的Java EE应用程序中进行部署,似乎没有网上直接答案.

It's actually pretty unlikely for me, but it seems that there is no direct answer over the net about importing JBoss-provided dependencies into Maven-managed Java EE application to be deployed within it.

AFAIK与该问题有两方面的关联,即用于外部(从JVM而言)JBoss客户端的jboss-as-client工件和具有巨大的<dependencyManagement>块定义JBoss使用的库版本的jboss-as-component-matrix工件.后一个工件非常有用,因为我可以使用Maven的导入范围来正确设置所有版本.缺少的(AFAIK)我类似于jboss-as-client,但适用于已部署的Java EE应用程序.我可以依靠provided范围进行操作,并将所有内容包含在类路径中,包括与平台相关的API(例如EJB或JMS)和特定于AS的内容(例如EJB-ext或jboss-messaging)以及可能的其他内容liblib/endorsed和(主要)common/lib目录中的内容.我知道,更好的做法(与宗教兼容)应该是在模块中使用依赖项来明确,但是我问的方式对我来说更为实用(对不起),至少对于真正使用Java EE的应用程序而言许多标准API.

AFAIK there are 2 things somehow related to the problem, that is jboss-as-client artifact for external (in sense of JVM) JBoss clients and jboss-as-component-matrix artifact with huge <dependencyManagement> block defining version of the libraries that JBoss uses. The latter artifact is pretty useful since I can use Maven's import scope to have all version properly set up. The one that is missing (AFAIK) i something like jboss-as-client but for deployed Java EE application. Something, that I can depend on with provided scope and have all stuff in the classpath, including platform-related APIs (like EJB or JMS) and AS-specific stuff (like EJB-ext or jboss-messaging) and possibly some other stuff from lib, lib/endorsed and (mainly) common/lib directories. I know that probably a better practice (and religion-compatible) would be to be explicit with dependencies used in modules but the way I'm asking about is much more pragmatic for me (sorry), at least for Java EE applications that really use many standard APIs.


I'm really curious about your way of dealing with such challange. I'm using 5.1.0.GA version of the AS.



You have to provide your own (infrastructure) maven project which just packages all the mentioned dependencies and all your JBoss projects depend on this infrastructure project with scope provided.


But shouldn't you compile just against the specification jars instead of the concrete implementation?


跳转到 http://arquillian.org/guides/上首次出现的"Java EE 6 API" Getting_started/.

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07-30 17:59