本文介绍了是否有人对G-WAN Web服务器有第一手经验?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在G-WAN Web服务器上找到信息的唯一地方是项目网站,它看起来非常很像广告.

The only place where I found informations on G-WAN web server was the project web site and it looked very much like advertisement.


What I would really know is, for someone who is proficient with C, if it is as easy to use and extend that other architectures. For now I would mostly focus on scripting abilities.


Are C scripts on GWAN easy to write ?Can you easily update and upload new C scripts to the server (say as easily than some PHP or Java pages on other architectures) ? Do you have to restart the server when doing so ?Can you easily extend it with third party or existing C libraries ?




Well, now G-WAN is available under Linux, I am using it for more than 6 months.

C脚本与ANSI C完全兼容,因此对于任何经验丰富的C程序员而言都没有什么区别.

The C scripts are fully-ANSI C compatible so there is no difference for any seasonned C programmer.


To update them on the server, you can edit them directly in the /csp folder (remotely via SSH) or locally on a test machine (and copy them later): G-WAN reloads scripts on-the-fly when they have been changed on disk (no server stop required).

G-WAN C脚本可以使用任何现有的库(从/usr/lib下的所有库开始),而无需任何配置或接口:您只需编写"#pragma链接",后跟库名.脚本的顶部.

G-WAN C scripts can use any existing library (starting with all those under /usr/lib) without any configuration or interface: you just have to write a '#pragma link' followed by the name of the library at the top of your script.


What I found really useful is the ability to edit C scripts and refresh the view in the Internet browser to see how my code works.


If there is a compilation error, then G-WAN outputs the line in the source code (just like any C compiler).


But where it enters the extraordinary area, is when you have a C script crash: here also it gives you THE LINE NUMBER IN THE SOURCE CODE (with the faulty call and the backtrace).


Kind of black-magic when you are used to Apache modules.

这篇关于是否有人对G-WAN Web服务器有第一手经验?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-01 17:57