本文介绍了简单来说,Laravel IoC容器是什么?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Can anyone explain dependency injection and IoC container in simple and easy words as i am beginner to laravel. thanks




Dependency Injection is a design pattern, that does what the name states. It injects objects into the constructor or methods of other objects, so that one object depends on one or more other objects.


class DatabaseWriter {

    protected $db;

    public function __construct(DatabaseAdapter $db)
        $this->db = $db;

    public function write()



You can see that we require the classes constructor a DatabaseAdapter instance to be passed. Since we are doing that in the constructor, an object of that class cannot be instantiated without it: We are injecting a dependency. Now, that we know that the DatabaseAdapter is always existent within the class we can easily rely on it.


The write() method just calls methods on the adapter, since we definitely know it exists because we made use of DI.


The enormous advantage of using DI instead of misusing static classes, god objects, and other stuff like that is, that you can easily track down where the dependencies come from.


The other huge advantage is, that you can easily swap out dependencies. If you want to use another implementation of your dependency just pass it to the constructor. You don't need to hunt down hardcoded instances anymore in order to be able to swap them.


Leaving aside the fact that by using Dependency Injection you will easily be able to Unit-Test your classes, since you can just mock the dependencies which is hardly possible with hardcoded dependencies.


The type of Dependency Injection explained above is called Constructor Injection. That simply means that dependencies are passed as arguments to the classes constructor. The dependencies are then stored as properties and thus made available in all methods of the class. The big advantage here is, that a object of the class cannot exist without passing the dependencies.

此类型利用专用方法来注入依赖项.而不是使用构造函数.使用Setter Injection的优点是,您可以在对象创建后将其添加到对象..通常用于可选依赖项. Setter注入还可以使您的构造函数更整洁,并且仅在需要它们的方法中才具有依赖项.

This type makes use of dedicated methods to inject dependencies. Instead of using the constructor. The advantage of using Setter Injection is, that you can add dependencies to an object after it has been created. It's commonly used for optional dependencies. Setter Injection is also great to declutter your constructor and have your dependencies only in methods where you need them.


class RegisterUserService {

    protected $logger;

    public function setLogger( Logger $logger )
        $this->logger = $logger;

    public function registerUser()
        // Do stuff to register the user
            $this->logger->log("User has been registered");


$service = new RegisterUserService;
$service->registerUser(); // Nothing is Logged

$service->setLogger(new ConcreteLogger);
$service->registerUser(); // Now we log


The object can be instantiated without any dependencies. There is a method to inject the dependency (setLogger()) which can be called optionally. Now it's up to the methods implementation to either make use of the dependency or not (if it's not set).

值得指出的是,对Setter Injection应当保持谨慎.在尚未注入的依赖项上调用方法或访问属性将导致令人讨厌的Fatal error: Call to a member function XXX() on a non-object .因此,每次访问依赖项时,都必须首先对其进行空检查.一种更干净的方法是使用空对象模式,然后将依赖项移至构造函数中(如可选参数,如果不传递任何内容,则在类内部创建null对象)

It's worth pointing out to be cautious with Setter Injection. Calling methods or accessing attributes on a dependency that has not yet been injected will result in a nasty Fatal error: Call to a member function XXX() on a non-object. Therefore everytime the dependency is accessed it has to be null-checked first. A much cleaner way to go about this would be to use the Null Object Pattern and to move the dependency into the constructor (as optional argument, if nothing is passed the null object is created inside the class)


The idea of interface injection is basically, that the method(s) to inject a dependency is defined in an interface. The class that is going to need the dependency must implement the interface. Hereby it is ensured that the needed dependency can be properly injected into the dependent object. It's a stricter form of the previously explained Setter Injection.


interface Database {

    public function query();


interface InjectDatabaseAccess {

    // The user of this interface MUST provide
    // a concrete of Database through this method
    public function injectDatabase( Database $db );


class MySQL implements Database {

    public function query($args)
        // Execute Query


class DbDoer implements InjectDatabaseAccess {

    protected $db;

    public function injectDatabase( Database $db )
        $this->db = $db;

    public function doSomethingInDb($args)


$user = new DbDoer();
$user->injectDatabase( new MySQL );


The meaningfulness of Interface Injection is open to dispute. Personally I have never used it. I prefer Constructor Injection over it. That allows me to accomplish the exact same task without the need of additional interfaces on the injectors side.


Instead of depending on a concrete instance we can also depend on abstractions.


class DatabaseWriter {

    protected $db;

    public function __construct(DatabaseAdapterInterface $db)
        $this->db = $db;

    public function write()


现在,我们反转了控件.现在,我们不再依赖具体实例,而是可以注入使用类型提示接口的任何实例. .该接口会确保后面的具体实例实现我们将要使用的所有方法,以便我们仍可以在依赖类中依赖它们.

Now we inverted the control. Instead of relying on a concrete instance, we can now inject any instance that consumes the type hinted interface. The interface takes care that the later concrete instance implements all the methods that we are going to use, so that we can still rely on them in the dependent classes.


Make sure you get that one, because it is a core concept of the IoC-Container.


In the shortest terms I can think of I would describe the IoC container like that:


If we take our example above, imagine that the DatabaseAdapter itself has it's own dependencies.

class ConcreteDatabaseAdapter implements DatabaseAdapterInterface{

    protected $driver;

    public function __construct(DatabaseDriverInterface $driver)
        $this->driver = $driver;



So in order to be able to use the DatabaseAdapter you would need to pass in a instance of the DatabaseDriverInterface abstraction as a dependency.

但是您的DatabaseWriter类不知道,也不应该. DatabaseWriter不应在意DatabaseAdapter的工作方式,而应仅在意DatabaseAdapter的传递而不是在如何创建它.这就是IoC容器派上用场的地方.

But your DatabaseWriter class does not know about it, nor should it. The DatabaseWriter should not care about how the DatabaseAdapter works, it should only care about that a DatabaseAdapter is passed and not how it needs to be created. That's where the IoC-Container comes in handy.

App::bind('DatabaseWriter', function(){
    return new DatabaseWriter(
        new ConcreteDatabaseAdapter(new ConcreteDatabaseDriver)


As I already said, the DatabaseWriter itself does not know anything about the dependencies of it's dependencies. But the IoC-Container knows all about them and also knows where to find them. So eventually when the DatabaseWriter class is going to be instantiated, the IoC-Container first is asked how it needs to be instantiated. That's what the IoC-Container does.

简单地说(如果您喜欢设计模式).它是依赖注入容器(我在上面已经解释过)和 服务定位器 .

Simply spoken (if you are into design patterns). It's a bit of a combination of a Dependency Injection Container (which I already explained above) and a Service Locator.

这篇关于简单来说,Laravel IoC容器是什么?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 16:21