


I'm developping an application and I'm looking for some cool informations about protecting it against copy ! Do you guys know some book/articles/any informations about it ?




例如,Xbox 360 游戏很容易复制并在改装后的盒子上执行,现在往往会在盒子中捆绑代码以解锁游戏中的可下载内容.这些代码当然只提供给实际购买游戏的人.

For instance, Xbox 360 games, that are easily copied, and executed on modded boxes, now tend to bundle codes in the box that unlocks downloadable content in-game. These codes are of course only available to people actually buying the game.


So your best option is to make it a better deal for the guy that buys your software, than it is for the people copying it.


Having said that, that option might not be possible or easily done, in which case you should avoid giving your paying customers too hard a time. For instance, if you add serial numbers with online activation and limited number of activations before they need to call you or sit waiting for you to answer an email, I can guarantee that this way will hurt more than just ignoring the people that copy your software in the first place.


The worst option you can go for is the one that will make some of your paying customers wish they hadn't.


08-20 07:17