


I use Java as an example but this is more of a general OOP design related question.

让我们以Java中的IOException为例.例如为什么会有一个类FileNotFoundException?那不应该是原因FileNotFoundIOException的实例吗?我会说FileNotFoundExceptionIOException的实例.这在哪里结束? FileNotFoundButOnlyCheckedOnceExceptionFileNotFoundNoMatterHowHardITriedException ..

Lets take the IOExceptions in Java as an example. Why is there a class FileNotFoundException for example? Should not that be an instance of a IOException where the cause is FileNotFound? I would say FileNotFoundException is an instance of IOException. Where does this end? FileNotFoundButOnlyCheckedOnceException, FileNotFoundNoMatterHowHardITriedException..?

我也曾在存在FirstLineReaderLastLineReader这样的类的项目中看到过代码.对我而言,此类实际上代表了实例,但是我在许多地方都看到了这种设计.例如,以Spring Framework源代码为例,它附带了数百个此类,每当我看到一个这样的类时,我都会看到一个实例而不是一个蓝图.难道课堂不是蓝图吗?

I have also seen code in projects I worked in where classes such as FirstLineReader and LastLineReader existed. To me, such classes actually represent instances, but I see such design in many places. Look at the Spring Framework source code for example, it comes with hundreds of such classes, where every time I see one I see an instance instead of a blueprint. Are not classes meant to be blueprints?


What I am trying to ask is, how does one make the decision between these 2 very simple options:


enum DogBreed {
    Bulldog, Poodle;

class Dog {
    DogBreed dogBreed;
    public Dog(DogBreed dogBreed) {
        this.dogBreed = dogBreed;


class Dog {}

class Bulldog extends Dog {

class Poodle extends Dog {


The first option gives the caller the requirement to configure the instance it is creating. In the second option, the class represents the instance itself already (as I see it, which might be totally wrong ..).

如果您同意这些类代表实例而不是蓝图,那么您是否会说创建一个代表实例的类是一种好习惯,还是我看待这个和我的陈述"类代表的方式是完全错误的实例" 只是废话吗?

If you agree that these classes represent instances instead of blueprints, would you say it is a good practice to create classes that represents instances or is it totally wrong the way I am looking at this and my statement "classes representing instances" is just load of nonsense?



首先:我们知道继承定义,并且可以在SO和Internet中找到很多示例.但是,我认为我们应该深入研究 ,并且要更加科学.


First of all: We know the Inheritance definition and we can find a lot of examples in SO and internet. But, I think we should look in-depth and a little more scientific.

注释0 :
首先,当我们对系统进行建模和编程时,我将其命名为 Development Scope (开发范围),有时将其命名为 Runtime Scope .

Note 0:
Clarification about Inheritance and Instance terminology.
First let me name Development Scope for development life cycle, when we are modeling and programming our system and Runtime Scope for sometimes our system is running.

我们在开发范围中有类,建模和开发它们.和对象在运行时范围. 开发范围中没有对象.

We have Classes and modeling and developing them in Development Scope. And Objects in Runtime Scope. There is no Object in Development Scope.


And in Object Oriented, the definition of Instance is: Creating an Object from a Class.


On the other hand, when we are talking about classes and object, we should clarify our Viewpoint about Development Scope and Runtime Scope.

继承可以存在于Development Scope中,而不存在于Runtime Scope中.运行时作用域中没有继承.

So, with this introduction, I want to clarify Inheritance:
Inheritance is a relationship between Classes, NOT Objects.
Inheritance can exist in Development Scope, not in Runtime Scope. There is no Inheritance in Runtime Scope.


After running our project, there is no relationship between parent and child (If there is only Inheritance between a child class and parent class). So, the question is: What is super.invokeMethod1() or super.attribute1 ?, they are not the relationship between child and parent. All attributes and methods of a parent are transmitted to the child and that is just a notation to access the parts that transmitted from a parent.

此外,Development Scope中没有任何对象.因此,开发范围中没有任何实例.这只是是-A 具有-A 的关系.

Also, there are not any Objects in Development Scope. So there are not any Instances in Development scope. It is just Is-A and Has-A relationship.



We should clarify about our Scope (Development and Runtime).
For example, If FileNotFoundException is an instance of IOException, then what is the relationship between a specific FileNotFoundException exception at runtime (the Object) and FileNotFoundException. Is it an instance of instance?

注释1 :

Note 1:
Why we used Inheritance? The goal of inheritance is to extending parent class functionalities (based on the same type).

  • 可以通过添加新属性或新方法来进行此扩展.
  • 或覆盖现有方法.
  • 此外,通过扩展父类,我们也可以达到可重用性.
  • 我们不能限制父类的功能(Liskov原理)
  • 我们应该能够在系统中将孩子替换为父母(Liskov原理)
  • 等等

注释2 :

Note 2:
The Width and Depth of Inheritance Hierarchies
The Width and Depth of Inheritance can be related to many factors:

  • 项目:项目的复杂性(类型复杂性)及其架构和设计.项目规模,班级数量等.
  • 团队:团队在控制项目复杂性方面的专业知识.
  • 等等

但是,我们对此有一些启发. (面向对象的设计启发式技术,Arthur J. Riel)

However, we have some heuristics about it. (Object-Oriented Design Heuristics, Arthur J. Riel)

在实践中,继承层次不应深于 一个普通人可以保留他或她的短期记忆.受欢迎的 该深度的值是6.

In practice, inheritance hierarchies should be no deeper than an average person can keep in his or her short-term memory. A popular value for this depth is six.


Note that they are heuristics and based on short-term memory number (7). And maybe the expertise of a team affect this number. But in many hierarchies like organizational charts is used.

注释3 :

Note 3:
When we are using Wrong Inheritance?
Based on :

  • 注1:继承的目标(扩展父类功能)
  • 注意2:继承的宽度和深度


In this conditions we use wrong inheritance:

  1. 我们在继承层次结构中有一些类,没有扩展的父类功能. 扩展名应该合理,并且足以开设一个新班级.从观察者的角度来看,合理的手段.观察者可以是项目架构师或设计师(或其他架构师和设计师).

  1. We have some classes in an inheritance hierarchy, without extending parent class functionalities. The extension should be reasonable and should be enough to make a new class. The reasonable means from Observer's point of view. The observer can be Project Architect or Designer (Or other Architects and Designers).


We have a lot of classes in the inheritance hierarchy. It calls Over-Specialization. Some reasons may cause this:

  • 也许我们没有考虑注释1 (扩展父功能)
  • 也许我们的模块化(包装)不正确.并且我们将许多系统用例放在一个程序包中,我们应该进行设计重构.
  • Maybe we did not consider Note 1 (Extending parent functionalities)
  • Maybe our Modularization (packaging) is not correct. And we put many system use cases in one package and we should make Design Refactoring.


They are other reasons, but not exactly related this answer.

注释4 :

Note 4:
What should we do? When we are using Wrong Inheritance?


Solution 1: We should perform Design Refactoring to check the value of classes in order to Extending parent Functionality. In this refactoring, maybe many classes of system deleted.


Solution 2: We should perform Design Refactoring to modularization. In this refactoring, maybe some classes of our package transmitted to other packages.

出于多种原因,我们可以使用此技术. 动态层次结构是我们更喜欢使用合成"而不是继承"的常见原因之一.
请参见(Sun的Tim Boudreau)的注释此处:

Solution 3: Using the Composition over Inheritance.
We can use this technique for many reasons. Dynamic Hierarchy is one of popular reasons that we prefer Composition instead of Inheritance.
see Tim Boudreau (of Sun) notes here:



Solution 4: use instances over Subclasses

This question is about this technique. Let me named it instances over Subclasses.


  1. (技巧1):当我们没有完全扩展父类功能时,请考虑注释1.否则扩展名不够合理.

  1. (Tip 1): Consider Note 1, when we do not exactly extend the parent class functionalities. Or the extensions are not reasonable and enough.


(Tip 2:) Consider Note 2, If we have a lot of subclasses (semi or identical classes) that extends the parent class a little and we can control this extension without inheritance. Note that it is not easy to say that. We should prove that it is not violating other Object Oriented Principles like Open-Close Principle.

马丁·福勒(Martin Fowler)建议(书1 第232页和书2 第251页):

What should we do?
Martin Fowler recommend (Book 1 page 232 and Book 2 page 251):


We can use other techniques like enum as the question mentioned.


08-15 20:35