本文介绍了无需加密即可保护 PHP 代码的最佳解决方案的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


首先,我不是在寻找奇迹……我知道 PHP 是如何工作的,并且没有真正的方法可以在不使用加密的情况下向客户端隐藏我的代码.但这需要在运行的服务器上安装扩展程序.

First of all, I'm not looking for miracle... I know how PHP works and that there's not really way to hide my code from the clients without using encryption. But that comes with the cost of an extension to be installed on the running server.

我正在寻找不同的东西……我不想加密我的代码,甚至混淆它.有许多没有加密/混淆代码的 PHP 脚本,但它们是商业应用程序.例如,vBulletin 和/或 IP.Board 论坛应用程序.

I'm looking for something different though... I'm not looking to encrypt my code or even obfuscate it. There are many PHP scripts without encrypted/obfuscated code but they are commercial applications. For instance, vBulletin and/or IP.Board forum applications.


I just want to know what approach do these guys use for their applications...


I'm also open to any other suggestions.


Please note that I'm a single person and not working for a company. My product is also very specific, it won't sell that much. I just want you guys to know that I can't afford to consult a legal professional either to sue someone or prepare a commercial license. I'm just looking for a simple way to protect my simple product, if it's indeed possible, somehow...



Obfuscating things can only inconvenience your legitimate, law-abiding customers, while the people who would would rip you off are not your target paying customers anyway. (edited out other thoughts about obfuscation)


Another suggestion for protecting your software: create a business model in which the code is an incomplete part of the value of your offering. For example, sell product licenses along with access to some data you manage on your site, or license the product on a subscription model or with customer support.

设计 EULA 是法律问题,而不是编码问题.您可以先阅读一些有关您使用的产品和网站的 EULA 文本.您可能会发现一些有趣的细节!

Designing a EULA is a legal matter, not a coding matter. You can start by reading some EULA text for products and websites you use. You might find some interesting details!

创建专有许可证非常灵活,并且可能超出了 StackOverflow 的预期范围,因为它与编码无关.

Creating a proprietary license is is highly flexible, and probably a subject beyond the intended scope of StackOverflow, since it's not strictly about coding.

想到的 EULA 的某些部分:

Some parts of a EULA that come to mind:

  • 如果产品存在错误或造成损坏,则限制您的责任.
  • 详细说明客户可以如何使用他们的许可软件、使用多长时间、在多少台机器上、有或没有再分发权等.
  • 授予您审核其网站的权利,以便您可以执行许可.
  • 如果他们违反 EULA 会怎样,例如他们失去了使用您的软件的权限.

您应该咨询法律专业人士来准备商业 EULA.

You should consult a legal professional to prepare a commercial EULA.


edit: If this project can't justify the expense of a lawyer, check out these resources:

  • "EULA advice" on joelonsoftware
  • "How to Write an End User License Agreement"

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10-12 12:06