

我正在写一个iPhone应用程序,我想用一个第三方库其功能的一部分。我打算卖它通过App Store和我的code不会是开源。它的开源许可证允许进行衍生产品和苹果自己的条件下,它们发布?

I'm writing an iPhone app, and I would like to use a 3rd party library for part of its functionality. I intend on selling it through the App Store and my code will not be open sourced. Which open source licenses allow to make derivate works and publish them under apple's own conditions ?


在短/ TL; DR:

In Short/TL;DR:

在LGPL和应用商店有一些不兼容,这意味着你没有权利对DRM功能AppStores或锁定装置分发LGPL code。

The LGPL and application stores have a few incompatibilities which means that you do not have the rights to distribute LGPL code on DRM-enabled AppStores or locked devices.

这是最好的,如果你找下像在Apache 2许可,基于Microsoft Public License或MIT X11许可协议。

It is best if you look for alternative implementations of the library under other laxer licenses like the Apache 2 License, the Microsoft Public License or the MIT X11 License.




对于静态的专有code联LGPL code的权利来自于LGPL的第6节。除了授予许可权的要求即节讨论你对你的code下游的接收者组成部分。

The rights for statically linking LGPL code with proprietary code comes from section 6 of the LGPL. In addition to the rights granted that section deals with the requirements on your part towards downstream recipients of your code.



Application Stores that require users to pay to enter the program and obtain key certificates, provisioning profiles and tools to deploy to the device are in direct contradiction with the LGPL.


The LGPL requires that the end user is able to fetch your object files plus the open source library (plus tools, see the section below) and produce some code that works. There is no room for having the downstream recipient have to enter a separate agreement with Apple, Microsoft, Amazon or Google to be able to deploy a working version of the code on his own hardware.


In particular this section is relevant:


您不需要给用户重新发布上的AppStore的应用程序中的权利,但你需要给用户使用LGPL code对自己的设备,修改后的版本部署应用程序的权利,所以任何需要额外支付给开发者部署程序或设备是与LGPL的冲突。

You do not need to give users the right to republish your application on an AppStore, but you need to give users the right to deploy your app with the modified version of the LGPL code on their own devices, so any developer program or device that requires extra payments to deploy is in conflict with the LGPL.

您必须确保生成的可执行文件中的条款允许收件人进行更改LGPL code和生产code的一个新的工作位出来。这实际上意味着,你需要分发你的程序的目标文件,以便第三方可以与图书馆的修改版本重新链接您的应用程序,可以修正错误,改进它以某种方式,或提供自己的特色。

You must ensure that the terms of the resulting executable allow the recipient to make changes to the LGPL code and produce a new working bits of code out of it. This in practice means that you need to distribute the object files of your program so that a third party can relink your application with a modified version of the library, possible to fix bugs, improve it in some way, or provide their own features.


You could get away with this by posting the object files in your web site and providing a project so third parties can relink the application. Not doing so revokes your license to the LGPL.


This is another requirement from Section 6.


This might be in direct conflict with the terms of various application stores, but you need to check the exact terms with the application store you are using (Apple, Amazon, Android or other third parties).

由于为LGPL code要求的一部分,这是运到下游用户必须使用LGPL许可证,并指向在显示的任何版权声明应用程序的任何地方本许可装运的应用程序。有些应用程序商店发布这个应用程序商店网站上,而其他人可能对可执行文件本身的版权信息。

As part of the requirements for LGPL code, the application that is shipped to the downstream user must ship with the LGPL license and point to this license on any places of the application that display any copyright notices. Some application stores post this on the application store site, while others might have the copyright information on the executable itself.

这是很容易遵守,你只需要分发您的网站在LGPL code的副本(大约有此论的时间长度牌照一些额外的细节,你需要保持code可用)。

This is very easy to abide by, you just need to distribute the copy of the LGPL code on your web site (there are some extra details about this on the license about the length of time you need to keep the code available).


One of the major problems with the LGPL and using static libraries in applications that are distributed through application stores is the requirement that you distribute the tools and scripts that are necessary for an end-user to rebuild the software.


For some embedded system scenarios, you would require the embedded system vendor to disclose his developer tools and APIs to any end users and this might not be possible. It is not clear if something like the iPhone or Windows SDKs can be freely redistributed to fulfill the obligations in this case, you might want to discuss with your lawyers and find out how comfortable you are with the exposure of the requirements.

如果你绝对需要使用一些LGPL code在AppStore上或嵌入式系统,可以随时接触到code的原作者,并要求他们的许可授予您的code在不同的条款。

If you absolutely need to use some LGPL code in an appstore or an embedded system, you can always reach out to the original authors of the code and ask them to grant you a license to the code under different terms.

另外,你可以看看像下在Apache 2许可,基于Microsoft Public License或MIT X11许可其他laxer许可证库的替代实现。

Alternatively, you can look for alternative implementations of the library under other laxer licenses like the Apache 2 License, the Microsoft Public License or the MIT X11 License.


07-24 00:44