



我是数据库和编程课程的兼职教授.我拥有一台同时运行Windows的台式机和笔记本电脑.我拥有VS 2010的学术版,并已在家里安装/激活了它.

I am an adjunct professor teaching database and programming classes. I own a desktop and laptop both running Windows. I own an Academic copy of VS 2010 and have it installed/activated at home.

从秋天开始,我将用VS 2010讲授C#.NET编程.但是,大学中安装了笔记本电脑的笔记本电脑已经使用了5年.我可以像在台式机上一样在笔记本电脑上安装VS 2010并使用相同的许可证激活吗?还是违反了Microsoft的许可?我本来打算再买一本,但是与我打交道的学术转售商说我一年只能买一本.两者都用于学术目的-我的日常工作为我提供了一台笔记本电脑,所以我不担心他们会认为我正在使用这些笔记本电脑进行非学术性的工作-但我确实需要在两者上都使用VS.

Starting in the Fall I will be teaching C# .NET programming with VS 2010. However, the laptop at the college with it installed is a 5 year old POS. Can I install VS 2010 and activate with the same license on my laptop as I do with my desktop? Or does this violate the license with Microsoft? I thought about buying another copy - but the Academic reseller I deal with said I am only allowed to buy one copy a year. Both are used for Academic purpose - my day job provides me with a laptop so I am not worried they would ever think I am doing non-academic work with these - but I really need to have VS on both.



按照此pdf (第1页)


It looks to me that it can be installed on multiple machines as long as it is not used concurrently by multiple end users.

此外,请查看 pdf (第9页),我看到了

Also, reviewing this pdf (Page 9) I see


07-24 00:37