本文介绍了python eric ide的主题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想用eric更改我的背景IDE,但是当我在preferences> editor> style中进行此操作时,背景颜色没有变化,只是字体样式发生了变化.

I want to change my background IDE in eric but when I do this in preferences>editor>style nothing change in background color, just font styles changed.


Is there any solution for this? cause white color make a huge damage in editor when working lots of hours


[设置> 首选项> 编辑器> 样式] ...仅适用于无法识别的语言.
[ Settings > Preferences > Highlighters > Styles ] ...适用于每种公认的语言.

Short version:
[ Settings > preferences > Editor > Style ] ... is only for unrecognised languages.
[ Settings > Preferences > Highlighters > Styles ] ... is for each separate recognized language.

使用[设置> 首选项> 编辑器> 样式]更改背景效果很好. ...好吧.
3)更改可能"不会立即显示.就我而言,我必须重新点击"无语言"选项([ RMC/file-content-menu > 语言>否语言]),以使背景颜色更改按预期显示.

Longer version:
Changing the background using [ Settings > Preferences > Editor > Style ] works fine. ... Well kinda.
1) This particular preference section is only for setting the style on files that are seen by the eric-ide as "No language" files.
2) This has no effect on the empty editing-area display (ie: when there are no files open).
3) The change 'might' not show up immediately. In my case I had to re-click on the "No language" option ([ RMC/file-content-menu > languages > No language ]) to get the background colour change to show up as intended.

以通俗易懂的语言更改a的背景.您必须转到[设置> 首选项> 突出显示> 样式],然后选择所需的语言进行更改.

To change the background for a, by the eric-ide, known language. You have to go to [ Settings > Preferences > Highlighters > Styles ], and than select the languages you like to make the changes for.

-不支持一般主题: https://die-offenbachs.homelinux.org/issues/issue248

-- Checked against: eric6 (18.06)
-- No general-theme support: https://die-offenbachs.homelinux.org/issues/issue248

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09-15 13:42