You apparently didn''t look very hard. On the wxPython end of things(which I have experience with), there is wxGlade, XRCed, BoaConstructor, Dabo, etc. I don''t know about Tkinter (I don''t use it),but I know that at least Qt has a very nice GUI designer and builder(from Trolltech if you are willing to pay for it), and if I remembercorrectly, Eric4 offers some tools to make PyQt editing nice andfriendly. I''m sure there are others.As for wxPython applications not looking good on all platforms; I hateto break it to you, but the majority of the controls are *native* onwhatever platform you happen to be using (except for Qt-based frontendsin *nix, wxPython uses a Gtk binding in *nix). Take a browse through afew of the applications listed in the wiki: , or even Andrea Gavana''scustom widgets . 我本可以宣誓Komodo是用PyQt编写的。除非我的记忆是否让我失望(可疑,因为他们至少曾经提供过一些PyQt 开发工具),我想他们只是嵌入了mozilla 带有一些C扩展的点点滴滴。 无论如何,你真的不想使用 XPI开发应用程序。根据我曾经和XPI谈过的每个人,虽然得到了基本的工作并不是很糟糕,做任何值得一提的事情都是 屁股上的痛苦,而不仅仅是写在8088的一切 汇编。你的里程可能会有所不同。I could have sworn that Komodo was written in PyQt. Unless my memory isfailing me (doubtful, as they at least used to offer some PyQtdevelopment tools), I would imagine they merely embedded the mozillabits and pieces with some C extensions.In any case, you really don''t want to be developing an application usingXPI. According to everyone I''ve ever talked to about XPI, while gettingthe basic stuff working isn''t bad, doing anything worth mentioning isabout as big a pain in the butt than just writing everything in 8088assembly. You mileage may vary of course. 也许。您应该使用的搜索词是''嵌入XPI python'',它给我带来了大约189k的谷歌搜索结果,其中一些似乎适用于 首页(其中也让我相信我关于 Komodo嵌入mozilla技术的陈述可能是正确的,尽管也许他们用b和Qt写了Komodo。Maybe. Search terms you should use are ''embed XPI python'', which giveme about 189k results in google, some of which seem applicable on thefirst page (which also leads me to believe that my statements regardingKomodo embedding mozilla technology may be right, though maybe theywrote Komodo in C and Qt). 令人怀疑。使用XRCed和wxPython构建GUI应用程序非常简单,如果您了解Python和面向对象的编程。有一些令人讨厌的变幻莫测的事件,但如果你在 wxpython-users邮件列表(在wxpython.org上)提出你的问题,至少有一个 六个人可能会回答你的问题。 - JosiahDoubtful. Building a GUI app with XRCed and wxPython is pretty easy ifyou understand Python and object-oriented programming. There are someannoying vagaries with events, but if you ask your questions on thewxpython-users mailing list (over at, one of at least ahalf-dozen people will likely answer your question.- Josiah 你对Qt有点不对劲。设计师是免费的(我从来没有使用商业Qt,也许还有额外的东西 - 但是如果我这么做的话,那么对于它能做什么并不是最微弱的想法这将使它比免费设计师更好 。) 和eric很酷并且与Qt集成(并且是Qt-app的一个例子 本身),通过启动设计师 - 但它没有任何 gui-building东西。 DiezYou''re somewhat wrong regarding Qt. The designer is free (I did neveruse a commercial Qt, maybe there comes something additional - but IF Idon''t have the faintest idea what it could do that would make it betterthan the free designer.)And eric is cool and integrates with Qt (and is an example of a Qt-appitself), via launching the designer - but it hasn''t have anygui-building stuff in there.Diez 后一种说法是假的。 Qt是KDE的原生外观。 GTK for Gnome。那么它怎么不在linux上看起来不错? 正如在这个帖子中已经说过的那样,Qt有一个很好的免费 GUI -builder。 DiezThe latter statement is bogus. Qt is THE native look on KDE. GTK forGnome. So how is it not "looking good on linux"?And as it has been said in this thread already, Qt has an excellent freeGUI-builder.Diez 这篇关于使用Mozilla构建Python应用程序的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
09-05 10:42