

我真的很困惑这个事情。在任何教程,github和文档我看到的代码BOOLs,NSStrings,NDDictionaries等都以小写开头。例如。 NSString * aString这是必要的吗?如果我在创建BOOL等时使用大写,什么都会毁了?我真的很困惑这里:P任何帮助是非常感谢!

I'm really confused about this thing. In any tutorial, code on github and documentation I have seen BOOLs, NSStrings, NDDictionaries etc all start in lower case. Eg. NSString *aString Is this necessary? Will anything get ruined if I use upper-case while creating BOOLs etc? I'm really confused here :P Any help is greatly appreciated!


Will using an underscore and then declaring variables in Capitals be a good idea?




Its more of a coding standards thing. I have just taken my SCJP exam and they have an entire chapter on coding standards. Its up to the programmer how they develop there code but think about the person who has to make amendments to it. Will using capitals make it easier to read or just make it harder. My recommendation is to stick with the coding standards as most developers understand them.


Also under coding standards you would normally Have your Classes declared with a capital and variables starting with lower case. This is so it doesn't confuse other developers when make amendments and more importantly so it doesn't confuse you. It wouldn't be good if you got confused by your own code.


 NSString *nsString; // Not that you should be having a variable like this. But stops the any confusion.
 [nsString uppercaseString];


it would start to get confusing if you had this

 // Compile won't actually let you have this just an example of confusion and reserved words. 
 NSString *NSString;
 [NSString uppercaseString];

在编码标准中,必须有经验的开发人员知道,从资本开始的任何东西通常是一个类,小写是一个变量。这几乎是所有的编程语言。在学习 prolog 时,我确实发现了编码标准的混乱。

In coding standards must experienced developers know that anything starting with a capital is generally a class and anything starting with lower case is a variable. This is in almost all programming languages. I did see a bit of confusion around coding standards when studying prolog.


Like Sun, Apple have there coding standards here


10-14 05:18