本文介绍了boost :: property_tree:解析复杂的xml结构的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想使用boost property_tree解析以下xml结构。

I am want to parse below xml structure using boost property_tree.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Txn ver="1.0">
    <TOpts tCount="1"  tformat="0"  ttimeout="10" />
        <Tvalue date="YYMMDD" time="HHMM" Ref="100"/>
        <Param name="SALE" value="xyz" />

我能够解析,首先是 Topts xml以上的字段,但对于 TData & TCustOpts 字段,我没有得到正确的迭代和方法来解析xml并面临异常。有人可以为我提供 TData &的正确方法吗? TCustOpts 字段解析。

I am able to parse, first Topts field of above xml, But for TData & TCustOpts field, I am not getting right iteration and approach to parse the xml and facing exception. Can someone provide me right approach for TData & TCustOpts field parsing.Below is my code for reference.

stringstream ssString;
boost::property_tree::ptree pt1;
ssString << xml;
boost::property_tree::read_xml(ssString, pt1);

string TxnVer = pt1.get<string>("Txn.<xmlattr>.ver");

boost::property_tree::ptree formats = pt1.get_child("Txn");
BOOST_FOREACH(boost::property_tree::ptree::value_type const& node, formats) {
    if (node.first == "TOpts") {
        const boost::property_tree::ptree & attributes = node.second.get_child("<xmlattr>");
        BOOST_FOREACH(boost::property_tree::ptree::value_type const& v, attributes) {
            if (v.first == "tCount") {
                std::cout << " tCount " << v.second.data() << endl;
            else if (v.first == "tformat") {
                std::cout << " tformat" << v.second.data() << endl;
            else if (v.first == "ttimeout") {
                std::cout << " ttimeout " << v.second.data() << endl;
    else if (node.first == "TOpts")

    else if (node.first == "TCustOpts") {
        const boost::property_tree::ptree & attributes1 = node.second.get_child("<xmlattr>");
        BOOST_FOREACH(boost::property_tree::ptree::value_type const& s, attributes1) {
            if (s.first == "name"){
                std::cout << "name " << s.second.data() << endl;
            else if (s.first == "value") {
                std::cout << "value " << s.second.data() << endl;



Ok, the usual anti-pattern when using Property Tree to parse information is "loop frenzy".


The whole idea of storing key-value pairs in a tree format is to avoid having to loop low-level structures, instead using convenient addressing (using paths).


Another anti-pattern is to have all the parsing in one big function. I'd split things up.


Let's start with defining some data-types to keep our data manageable:

namespace Domain {
    struct TOpts {
        size_t count;
        std::string format;
        size_t timeout ;

    struct TData {
        std::string date; // YYMMD
        std::string time; // HHMM
        size_t ref;

    struct TCustOpts {
        std::multimap<std::string, std::string> params;

    struct Txn {
        std::string version;
        TOpts opts;
        TData data;
        TCustOpts custom_opts;



So, here's how I'd write the parsing code:

namespace Parsing {
    // concrete parse functions
    void parse(Domain::TOpts& v, ptree const& pt) {
        v.count   = pt.get("<xmlattr>.tCount", 0);
        v.format  = pt.get("<xmlattr>.tformat", "0");
        v.timeout = pt.get("<xmlattr>.ttimeout", 0);

    void parse(Domain::TData& v, ptree const& pt) {
        v.date = pt.get("Tvalue.<xmlattr>.date", "YYMMDD");
        v.time = pt.get("Tvalue.<xmlattr>.time", "HHMM");
        v.ref  = pt.get("Tvalue.<xmlattr>.Ref", 0);

    void parse(Domain::TCustOpts& v, ptree const& pt) {
        for (auto& param : pt) {
            if (param.first != "Param")

                param.second.get("<xmlattr>.name", "(anon)"),
                param.second.get("<xmlattr>.value", ""));

    // make any parse helper available optionally
    template <typename T>
    void parse_optional(T& v, boost::optional<ptree const&> pt) {
        if (pt) parse(v, *pt);

    void parse(Domain::Txn& v, ptree const& pt) {
        v.version = pt.get("<xmlattr>.ver", "0.0");
        parse_optional(v.opts,        pt.get_child_optional("TOpts"));
        parse_optional(v.data,        pt.get_child_optional("TData"));
        parse_optional(v.custom_opts, pt.get_child_optional("TCustOpts"));

唯一不那么直截了当的事情是 parse_optional 处理可能不存在的子树。

The only not-so-straight-forward thing is parse_optional to deal with subtrees that might be absent.

int main() {
    boost::property_tree::ptree pt;
        extern char const* xml;
        std::stringstream ss(xml);
        read_xml(ss, pt);

    Domain::Txn transaction;
    Parsing::parse(transaction, pt.get_child("Txn"));

    std::cout << transaction; // complete roundtrip


我们也将相同的 Domain类保存回属性树,因此我们可以验证其是否有效:

BONUS: Roundtrip

Let's also save the same "Domain" classes back to a property tree, so we can verify it works:

namespace Writing { // for DEBUG/demo only
    void serialize(Domain::TOpts const& v, ptree& pt) {
        pt.put("<xmlattr>.tCount", v.count);
        pt.put("<xmlattr>.tformat", v.format);
        pt.put("<xmlattr>.ttimeout", v.timeout);

    void serialize(Domain::TData const& v, ptree& pt) {
        pt.put("Tvalue.<xmlattr>.date", v.date);
        pt.put("Tvalue.<xmlattr>.time", v.time);
        pt.put("Tvalue.<xmlattr>.Ref", v.ref);

    void serialize(Domain::TCustOpts const& v, ptree& pt) {
        for (auto& param : v.params) {
            auto& p = pt.add_child("Param", ptree{});
            p.put("<xmlattr>.name", param.first);
            p.put("<xmlattr>.value", param.second);

    void serialize(Domain::Txn const& v, ptree& pt) {
        auto& txn = pt.add_child("Txn", ptree{});
        txn.put("<xmlattr>.ver", v.version);
        serialize(v.opts,        txn.add_child("TOpts", ptree{}));
        serialize(v.data,        txn.add_child("TData", ptree{}));
        serialize(v.custom_opts, txn.add_child("TCustOpts", ptree{}));




This demo shows your original XML parsed and serialized back:

#include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>

using boost::property_tree::ptree;

namespace Domain {
    struct TOpts {
        size_t count;
        std::string format;
        size_t timeout ;

    struct TData {
        std::string date; // YYMMD
        std::string time; // HHMM
        size_t ref;

    struct TCustOpts {
        std::multimap<std::string, std::string> params;

    struct Txn {
        std::string version;
        TOpts opts;
        TData data;
        TCustOpts custom_opts;

namespace Parsing {
    // concrete parse functions
    void parse(Domain::TOpts& v, ptree const& pt) {
        v.count   = pt.get("<xmlattr>.tCount", 0);
        v.format  = pt.get("<xmlattr>.tformat", "0");
        v.timeout = pt.get("<xmlattr>.ttimeout", 0);

    void parse(Domain::TData& v, ptree const& pt) {
        v.date = pt.get("Tvalue.<xmlattr>.date", "YYMMDD");
        v.time = pt.get("Tvalue.<xmlattr>.time", "HHMM");
        v.ref  = pt.get("Tvalue.<xmlattr>.Ref", 0);

    void parse(Domain::TCustOpts& v, ptree const& pt) {
        for (auto& param : pt) {
            if (param.first != "Param")

                param.second.get("<xmlattr>.name", "(anon)"),
                param.second.get("<xmlattr>.value", ""));

    // make any parse helper available optionally
    template <typename T>
    void parse_optional(T& v, boost::optional<ptree const&> pt) {
        if (pt) parse(v, *pt);

    void parse(Domain::Txn& v, ptree const& pt) {
        v.version = pt.get("<xmlattr>.ver", "0.0");
        parse_optional(v.opts,        pt.get_child_optional("TOpts"));
        parse_optional(v.data,        pt.get_child_optional("TData"));
        parse_optional(v.custom_opts, pt.get_child_optional("TCustOpts"));

namespace Writing { // for DEBUG/demo only
    void serialize(Domain::TOpts const& v, ptree& pt) {
        pt.put("<xmlattr>.tCount", v.count);
        pt.put("<xmlattr>.tformat", v.format);
        pt.put("<xmlattr>.ttimeout", v.timeout);

    void serialize(Domain::TData const& v, ptree& pt) {
        pt.put("Tvalue.<xmlattr>.date", v.date);
        pt.put("Tvalue.<xmlattr>.time", v.time);
        pt.put("Tvalue.<xmlattr>.Ref", v.ref);

    void serialize(Domain::TCustOpts const& v, ptree& pt) {
        for (auto& param : v.params) {
            auto& p = pt.add_child("Param", ptree{});
            p.put("<xmlattr>.name", param.first);
            p.put("<xmlattr>.value", param.second);

    void serialize(Domain::Txn const& v, ptree& pt) {
        auto& txn = pt.add_child("Txn", ptree{});
        txn.put("<xmlattr>.ver", v.version);
        serialize(v.opts,        txn.add_child("TOpts", ptree{}));
        serialize(v.data,        txn.add_child("TData", ptree{}));
        serialize(v.custom_opts, txn.add_child("TCustOpts", ptree{}));

namespace { // for debug/demo only
    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Domain::Txn const& v) {
        ptree tmp;
        Writing::serialize(v, tmp);
        write_xml(os, tmp, boost::property_tree::xml_writer_make_settings<std::string>(' ', 4));
        return os;

int main() {
    boost::property_tree::ptree pt;
        extern char const* xml;
        std::stringstream ss(xml);
        read_xml(ss, pt);

    Domain::Txn transaction;
    Parsing::parse(transaction, pt.get_child("Txn"));

    std::cout << transaction; // complete roundtrip

char const* xml = R"(<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Txn ver="1.0">
    <TOpts tCount="1"  tformat="0"  ttimeout="10" />
        <Tvalue date="YYMMDD" time="HHMM" Ref="100"/>
        <Param name="SALE" value="xyz" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Txn ver="1.0">
    <TOpts tCount="1" tformat="0" ttimeout="10"/>
        <Tvalue date="YYMMDD" time="HHMM"/>
        <Param name="SALE" value="xyz"/>

这篇关于boost :: property_tree:解析复杂的xml结构的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 08:04