




When I test the ffmepg encoding/decoding exapmle c program in CodeBlocks, it shows:

/ffmpeg_sources/ffmpeg/libavutil/internal.h    fatal error: config.h: No such file or directory

错误在 ffmpeg_source / libavutil 文件夹中的许多其他头文件中发生。

error happens in many other header file within ffmpeg_source/libavutil folder.I searched the folder but did not find config.h file. There are config.h in other folders but does not work for the header files within libavutil folder.

我尝试下载最新的ffmepg zip文件,也找不到config.h

I tried download newest ffmepg zip file and also cannot find the config.h file in it.


Where should I find the file?


config.h 文件是源代码的特定于平台的配置文件。它是由软件包中提供的 configure 脚本生成的(通常在解压缩的tarball的根目录或任何来源的归档文件中)。该脚本必须在任何构建操作之前运行,以便将源代码配置为在目标环境中运行。

config.h file is a platform specific configuration file for the source. It is generated by the configure script provided within the software package (usually in the root directory of the decompressed tarball or whatever archive the source comes from). This script must be run before any build operation in order to have the source code configured to work within the target environment.

此外,我还必须提到lib的公共标头从不包含 config.h ,因此,如果包含的lib的标头不应该包含在代码中config.h

Additionally I have to mention that "public" headers of a lib never include config.h, so you should never include a header of a lib into your code if it includes config.h.


07-23 23:56