



多年来,我一直在Windows上使用TortoiseSVN,并为自己的项目使用本地文件系统存储库.我计划开始与一个朋友就一个项目进行合作,并将资料库转移到我自己的网站上.我读过很多"SVN!".在过去的几年里发帖,并认为我至少应该看看大惊小怪.一些研究发现了"git svn"命令,并且TortoiseGit声称具有一定程度的git-svn支持.我喜欢保留SVN信息库,并在将它们提交到信息库之前使用git进行一些本地提交或分支的想法. 搁置"命令听起来也很有用.

I've been using TortoiseSVN on Windows for years with local filesystem repositories for my own projects. I'm planning to start collaborating with a friend on one of the projects, and will be shifting the repository to my own website. I've read a lot of "git beats SVN!" posts over the last couple years, and figured I ought to at least see what the fuss was about. Some research turned up the "git svn" command, and that TortoiseGit claims to have some level of git-svn support. I like the idea of keeping the SVN repository, and doing some local commits or branches with git before committing them to the repository. The "shelve" command also sounds useful.

不幸的是,尽管有许多CLI git-svn教程,但TortoiseGit却没有任何东西(诚然,它仍处于早期开发阶段).结果,我在尝试弄清楚这些零件进行协作所需的工作流程时遇到了问题.

Unfortunately, while there's a number of CLI git-svn tutorials, there's nothing for TortoiseGit (which admittedly seems to be still in early development). As a result, I'm having problems trying to figure out what workflow I need to get these pieces to cooperate.

我在D:\ Projects \ repositories \ MyProject中有一个SVN存储库.我创建了D:\ Projects \ temp \ gittest,并尝试对存储库进行TortoiseGit"Git克隆".从那里开始,我遇到了一些问题,试图指出trunk/branches/tags文件夹的位置(这只是我的存储库中的标准布局).当我不检查这些内容时,我才能够获得有用的结果.当我确实确实正确启动了git存储库时,我可以进行一些更改并进行了几次git commit,但是在执行SVN DCommit时遇到了问题.

I have an SVN repository in D:\Projects\repositories\MyProject. I created D:\Projects\temp\gittest, and tried to do a TortoiseGit "Git Clone" of the repository. From there, I've had issues trying to indicate the location of the trunk/branches/tags folders (which are just the standard layout in my repository). I was only able to get useful results when I left those unchecked. When I did seem to get the git repository started correctly, I was able to make some changes and do a couple git commits, but then had problems doing an SVN DCommit.


So, I'm hoping someone out there can provide a reasonably detailed set of instructions on how to correctly use TortoiseGit with an existing SVN repository (with the repository on either the local filesystem or on a remote server). No "don't use SVN!" responses, please - I'm interested in learning how to get these two pieces to work together. If you feel TortoiseGit's SVN support isn't mature enough to make this work, that would also be useful information.



  1. 创建目录
  2. 右键单击克隆克隆..."
  3. 启用来自SVN存储库"并选择所有其他设置


07-23 23:34