


i would like to generate strict alphanumeric character logins from users' first and lastname. Since many of them are foreigners, their names have special characters (é, è, ï, ...). I would like to remove the accents (e,e,i,...) in the logins.


Here is my query. Is there a character set that does not contain accents?

UPDATE contacts SET login=CONVERT(LOWER(CONCAT(firstname,'.',lastname)) USING utf8);



Well, as a French computer scientist (with an accent in his name), I would strongly advocate against such a conversion.


Why, well, because this strategy is just replacing a wrong assumption with another wrong assumption. Let me explain myself:

我们可以看到,只有us-ascii被允许在登录ID中作为一个错误的假设,所有用户名可以 in ascii。

We could see the fact that only us-ascii are allowed in login id as an incorrect assumption that "all user names can be written in ascii".


Trying to remove accents from users name is just replacing the assumption by "all user names can be converted to ascii".

这也是不正确的:它会为我工作(作为一个欧洲 - 拉丁语1证明命名的人),但你如何计算三岛的名字?或Сахаров?

That is also incorrect: It will work for me (as a European - Latin 1 proof named person), but how will you compute the name of 三島 ? or the one of Сахаров ?


I know my answer is non technical, but you should do whatever is necessary to allow non ascii chars in logins. Or, you should allow your users to choose this login.


08-29 02:48