我正在尝试将我的 MKStoreKit 升级到我的应用程序中的 4.0 版,以便我可以将在应用程序购买中恢复"功能合并到我的应用程序中.由于缺少此功能,Apple 想要拒绝我的应用程序.到目前为止,我已经能够解决我所有的ARC"问题,但我遇到了'NSData' 没有可见的@interface 声明选择器'base64EncodedString"错误.据我所知,此错误与让审阅者在不实际购买的情况下运行您的应用内购买所需的服务器功能有关.我对这个功能不感兴趣,很想知道如何绕过它.我一直无法找到如何做到这一点.有谁知道我可以如何禁用它?
I'm trying to upgrade my MKStoreKit to version 4.0 in my app so I can incorporate the "restore in app purchase" feature into my app. Apple wants to reject my app due to this missing feature. I've been able to solve all of my "ARC" issues so far but I'm stuck with the "No visible @interface for 'NSData' declares the selector 'base64EncodedString" error. From what I can tell, this error is related to the server functionality required to let reviewers run your in app purchase without actually purchasing it. I'm uninterested in this feature and would love to know how to bypass it. I've been unable to find out how to do this. Does anyone know how I can disable this?
您似乎在某处使用 base64EncodedString
方法,但您忘记包含一个带有声明它的类别的标题.如果您使用 一个流行的 iOS 的 base-64 编码库,标题名称是 "NSData+Base64.h"
It looks like you are using base64EncodedString
method somewhere, but you have forgotten to include a header with the category declaring it. If you are using a popular base-64 encoding library for iOS, the header name is "NSData+Base64.h"
这篇关于“‘NSData’没有可见的@interface 声明选择器‘base64EncodedString’"MKStoreKit 中的错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!