

我需要进行一些计算,但是我遇到一个值非常低的问题,例如,我需要得到0.005的2.7%,最后得到1.3500000000000003e-4,这不是我想要的。在寻找时,我只需要知道如何获得这些值的准确百分比,我现在正在做的是< value> * 2.7 / 100 对于整数或大于0.05的浮点数非常有用。

I need to do some calculations but I'm getting a problem with values which are very low, for example, I need to get the 2.7% of 0.005 and I end up with 1.3500000000000003e-4 which is not what I'm looking for, I just need to know how can I get an accurate percetage of those values, what I'm doing right now is <value> * 2.7 / 100 which works great for integers or floats greater than 0.05.

例如,我需要的是2.7% 0.005需要显示为0.000135。

For example, the one that I need which is 2.7% of 0.005 needs to be shown as 0.000135.



First, understand that the language isn't broken, it's just that computers are just really bad at doing floating point math.

因此,在 1.3500000000000003e-4 是正确的,但是这里的问题是Elixir以指数表示法打印(非常小和非常大)浮点数。有几种方法可以将其打印为 0.000135

So, in a sense 1.3500000000000003e-4 is accurate, but your issue here is that Elixir prints the (very small and very large) floats in exponent notation. There are a few ways you can print it as 0.000135:

  • 使用Erlang的 float_to_binary

:erlang.float_to_binary(0.005 * 2.7 / 100, [:compact, {:decimals, 10}])
#=> "0.000135"

  • 使用:io.format

    :io.format("~f~n",[0.005 * 2.7 / 100])
    #=> "0.000135"

  • 或使用是围绕着Erlang的:io 模块



  • 07-23 22:57