

  $(document).scroll(function()函数在我的主模板中有以下jQuery代码: {
var scroll_top = $(document).scrollTop();
if(scroll_top< = 70){
$('#fixedback') .fadeOut(500);
} else {

当代码执行Firefox 11和12时,将会使页面空白并且变得无法响应。我必须在任务管理器中终止进程。如果我拿出警报(),代码执行完美。如果我在任何.scroll函数中添加了一个警报,我的任何页面上都会发生同样的情况。该页面将加载和工作,直到我滚动页面。

使用Jquery 1.7.1.min。和C#ASPX页面。我还没有在其他浏览器上测试过,因为只有在开发时我需要警报才能工作。


这个问题看起来像是Firefox中的一个bug。 :有一个,可以在这里应用。它建议你使用 setTimeout()推迟 alert()调用,让Firefox有机会做任何事情它需要做,以避免消隐页面。将解决方法应用到你的代码,你会得到这样的东西:

pre $ window $。
var timeOutId = 0;
var jitterBuffer = 200;
timeOutId = setTimeout(function(){DoStuffOnScrollEvent()},jitterBuffer);

var scroll_top = $(document).scrollTop();
alert(scroll_top); (scroll_top $('#fixedback')。fadeOut(500);
} else {

或者,而不是 alert(),你可以使用 console.log(),它可以通过。

I have the following jQuery code in one of my master templates:

$(document).scroll(function() {
    var scroll_top = $(document).scrollTop();
    if (scroll_top <= 70) {
    } else {

When the code executes Firefox 11 and 12 will blank the page and become unresponsive. I have to terminate the process in Task Manager. If I take out the alert(), the code executes perfectly. If I add an alert in any of the .scroll functions the same thing happens on any of my pages. The page will load and works until I scroll the page.

Using Jquery 1.7.1.min. and C# ASPX pages. I haven't tested on other browsers as it is only for development that I need the alerts to work.


It looks like a bug in Firefox.

The question: Firefox scrollTop problem has an answer that can be applied here. What it suggests is that you defer the alert() call using setTimeout() to give Firefox a chance to do whatever it needs to do to avoid blanking the page. Applying the workaround to your code, you would get something like this:

window.onscroll = catchScroll;
var timeOutId = 0;
var jitterBuffer = 200;
function catchScroll() {
    if (timeOutId) clearTimeout(timeOutId);
    timeOutId = setTimeout(function () { DoStuffOnScrollEvent() }, jitterBuffer);

function DoStuffOnScrollEvent() {
    var scroll_top = $(document).scrollTop();
    if (scroll_top <= 70) {
    } else {

Or, instead of alert(), you could use console.log(), which will work natively in later versions of IE and Chrome, and Firefox via Firebug.


09-03 13:41