


This is the question worth to be asked on the behalf of the new developers in Android.


Idea is to provide a deep understanding to why the framework is written as such.Also, developers face dangling pointers, illegal states and such run-time crashes, and they do not have a clue that why it is happening.

现在,程序员每天都大量使用回调和工厂模式.委托类对象的使用减少了对Singleton类的需要,并减少了诸如C,C ++之类的语言中的多重继承.

Programmers now a days heavily use call back and factory patterns. Use of delegate class objects reduce the need for Singleton classes, and the need of multiple inheritance in languages like C, C++.


Developers thrill when they come to understand Handler based message passing between components.


Which one of these methods is more reliable to know that the context of the Fragment, should no longer be used by its components, or outside from the Activity that is parenting it:

  1. onStop()
  2. onDetach()
  3. onDestroyView()
  4. onDestroy()




I am tracking all of these methods, to stop using getView() of fragment. I logically feel onDestroy(), is the most suitable method for this purpose.

在此答案中,我以相同的方式使用跟踪器: https://stackoverflow.com/a/52017405/787399

I am using the trackers in the same way in this answer:https://stackoverflow.com/a/52017405/787399

此继承策略极大地帮助和改善了ActivityFragments生命周期的含义.我实际上已经非常强大,可以拥有未隐式提供的那些功能:就像您可以处理系统后退(在onBackPressed()方法中在BaseActivity中管理的)只要在Fragment上按后退一样,并且您可以阻止back pressed event调用,直到满足某些条件为止,或者放置OK_Cancel confirmation alert表示是否要真正退出当前片段.

This inheritance strategy greatly helps and improves the meaning of the Activity and Fragments life-cycles. I fact it is so power full that you can have those features that are not implicitly provided: Like you can handle system back press (managed in the BaseActivity in onBackPressed() method) whenever back is pressed on the Fragment, and you can block the back pressed event call, till some condition is met, or place an OK_Cancel confirmation alert, that whether you want to really exit the current fragment.



07-23 21:38