


If it helps, the following question is in the context of a game I am building.


In a few different places I have the following scenario. There exists a parent class, for this example called Skill, and I have a number of sub-classes implementing the methods from the parent class. There also exists another parent class that we will call Vocation. The skills need to be listed in different sub-classes of Vocation. However, those skills need to be available for anything in the game that uses any given vocation.

我当前的设置是将一个名为Skill.Id的枚举,以便Vocation包含该枚举值的集合,当游戏中的一个实体占用该职位该集合被传递到另一个类,称为SkillFactory。 Skill.Id每次创建一个新的技能子类时需要一个新的条目,以及一个新的子类构造函数的切换块中的一个例子。

My current setup is to have an Enum called Skill.Id, so that Vocation contains a collection of values from that Enum and when an entity in the game takes on that Vocation the collection is passed into another class, called SkillFactory. Skill.Id needs a new entry every time I create a new Skill sub-class, as well as a case in the switch block for the new sub-classes' constructor.



public static Skill Create(Skill.Id id)
        case Skill.Id.FireSkill:
             return new FireSkill();


This works perfectly fine, but using the enum and switch block as a go between feels like more overhead than I need to solve this problem. Is there a more elegant way to create instances of these Skill sub-classes, but still allows Vocation to contains a collection identifying the skills it can use?


I am fine throwing out the enum and associated switch block, so long as Vocation can contain a collection that allows arbitrary instantiation of the Skill sub-classes.


您可以使用字典< Skill.Id,Func< Skill>> 并将其用于实例化。

You can make a Dictionary<Skill.Id, Func<Skill>> and use it to instantiate.


Dictionary<Skill.Id, Func<Skill>> creationMethods = new Dictionary<Skill.Id, Func<Skill>>();
public SkillFactory()
     creationMethods.Add(Skill.Id.FireSkill, () => new FireSkill());
     creationMethods.Add(Skill.Id.WaterSkill, () => new WaterSkill());


Then, your Create method becomes:

public static Skill Create(Skill.Id id)
     return creationMethods[id]();

认为,这不是更好 - 除了它允许你将其扩展到每个ID的其他功能,而不会在需要时重复交换块。 (只是放在字典的价值方面)。

Granted, this isn't much better - except that it does allow you to extend this to other functionality that's per ID without duplicating the switch block if that becomes a requirement. (Just put more into the value side of the Dictionary.)

从长远来看,彻底摆脱这个枚举可以对扩展性有好处。然而,这将需要更精细的改变。例如,如果您使用MEF,您可以在运行时导入一组 SkillFactory 类型,并通过单个将它们与元数据(通过元数据)相关联ImportMany 。这将允许您添加新的技能子类,而无需更改工厂,并通过名称或其他机制来引用它们。

That being said, in the long run, getting rid of the enum entirely can be a good benefit for extensibility. This will require a more elaborate change, however. For example, if you used MEF, you could import a set of SkillFactory types at runtime and associate them to a name (via metadata) via a single ImportMany. This would allow you to add new Skill subclasses without changing your factory, and refer to them by name or some other mechanism.


08-18 09:50