

在使用RxJava 2的Android项目中,我在初始化的 onCreate 中创建了一个 Flowable 活动:

In an Android project that uses RxJava 2, I create a Flowable like this in the onCreate of my initial activity:

Flowable.create(new MyFlowableOnSubscribe1(), BackpressureStrategy.BUFFER)
        .doOnComplete(new MyAction())
        .subscribe(new MySubscriber());


The implementation of the FlowableOnSubscribe is:

public class MyFlowableOnSubscribe1 implements FlowableOnSubscribe<String> {
    public static final String TAG = "XX MyFlOnSub1";

    public void subscribe(FlowableEmitter<String> emitter) {
        Log.i(TAG, "subscribe");



public class MySubscriber implements Subscriber<String> {
    public static final String TAG = "XX MySubscriber";

    public void onSubscribe(Subscription s) {
        Log.i(TAG, "onSubscribe");

    public void onComplete() {
        Log.i(TAG, "onComplete");

    public void onError(Throwable e) {
        Log.i(TAG, "onError");

    public void onNext(String s) {
        Log.i(TAG, "onNext: " + s);


public class MyAction implements Action {
    public static final String TAG = "XX MyAction";

    public void run() {
        Log.i(TAG, "run");

在我的输出中,我期待一个日志来自 onNext 的声明,但我没有看到。相反,这是我的整个输出:

In my output, I'm expecting to a log statement from onNext, but I don't see one. Instead, this is my entire output:

02-23 17:56:31.334 24176-24176/com.ebelinski.rxjavaexperimentproject I/XX MySubscriber: onSubscribe
02-23 17:56:31.334 24176-24219/com.ebelinski.rxjavaexperimentproject I/XX MyFlOnSub1: subscribe
02-23 17:56:31.334 24176-24219/com.ebelinski.rxjavaexperimentproject I/XX MyAction: run

这表示 onNext 从不运行, onComplete 甚至都没有运行。但是 MyAction 成功运行。

This indicates that onNext never runs, and onComplete doesn't even run either. But MyAction runs successfully.

以下是当我注释掉 onNext的调用时会发生什么

02-23 17:58:31.572 24176-24176/com.ebelinski.rxjavaexperimentproject I/XX MySubscriber: onSubscribe
02-23 17:58:31.572 24176-26715/com.ebelinski.rxjavaexperimentproject I/XX MyFlOnSub1: subscribe
02-23 17:58:31.572 24176-26715/com.ebelinski.rxjavaexperimentproject I/XX MyAction: run
02-23 17:58:31.652 24176-24176/com.ebelinski.rxjavaexperimentproject I/XX MySubscriber: onComplete

在这种情况下, onNext 当然不会运行,但至少 onComplete 运行。

In this case onNext of course doesn't run, but at least onComplete runs.

我预计在两种情况下都会看到 onComplete ,而 onNext 当我打电话给 emitter.onNext 时运行。我在这里做错了什么?

I expected that I would see onComplete run in both cases, and onNext run when I call emitter.onNext. What am I doing wrong here?


您需要手动发出请求,否则在扩展<$ c时不会发出任何数据$ c> Subscriber 直接:

You need to manually issue a request otherwise no data will be emitted when extending Subscriber directly:

public void onSubscribe(Subscription s) {
    Log.i(TAG, "onSubscribe");

或者,你可以扩展 DisposableSubscriber ResourceSubscriber


10-14 08:24