本文介绍了如何删除 Perl 字符串中的空格?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


如果我声明了一个变量 $myString,其值为 '3'(注意空格).是否有任何函数可以删除返回值的空格.有点像 SomeFun($myString) 然后返回 '3' (没有空格).

If I declared a variable $myString with the value '3 ' (notice the white space).Is there any function to remove the white space for the return value.A little like SomeFun($myString) then return '3' (without white space).

use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;

my $fh = \*DATA;

print Dumper parse_constant_spec( $fh );

# Parse a constant spec file.
# Pass in a handle to process.
# As long as it acts like a file handle, it will work.
sub parse_constant_spec {
    my $fh = shift;

    my %spec;

    # Until file is done:
        # Read in a whole block
    while( my $block = read_block($fh) ) {

        # Parse the and return key/value pairs for a hash.
        my %constant = parse_block( $block );

        # Store a ref to the hash in a big hash of all blocks, keyed by constant_name.
        $spec{ $constant{const_name} } = \%constant;


    # Return ref to big hash with all block data
    return \%spec;

# Read a constant definition block from a file handle.
# void return when there is no data left in the file.
# Otherwise return an array ref containing lines to in the block.
sub read_block {
    my $fh = shift;

    my @lines;
    my $block_started = 0;

    while( my $line = <$fh> ) {

        $block_started++ if $line =~ /^constant/;

        if( $block_started ) {

            last if $line =~ /^\s*$/;

            push @lines, $line;

    return \@lines if @lines;


sub parse_block {
    my $block = shift;
    my ($start_line, @attribs) = @$block;

    my %constant;

    # Break down first line:
    # First separate assignment from option list.
    my ($start_head, $start_tail) = split /=/, $start_line;

    # work on option list
    my @options = split /\s+/, $start_head;

    # Recover constant_name from options:
    $constant{const_name} = pop @options;
    $constant{options} = \@options;

    # Now we parse the value/type specifier
    @constant{'type', 'value' } = parse_type_value_specifier( $start_tail );

    # Parse attribute lines.
    # since we've already got multiple per line, get them all at once.
    chomp @attribs;
    my $attribs = join ' ', @attribs;

    #  we have one long line of mixed key = "value" or key = <TYPE VALUE>

    @attribs = $attribs =~ /\s*(\w+\s+=\s+\w+\s+|\w+\s+=\s+".*?"|\w+\s+=\s+<.*?>)\s*/g;

    for my $attrib ( @attribs ) {
        warn "$attrib\n";
        my ($name, $value) = split /\s*=\s*/, $attrib;

        if( $value =~ /^"/ ) {
            $value =~ s/^"|"\s*$//g;
        elsif( $value =~ /^</ ) {
           $value = [ parse_type_value_specifier( $start_tail ) ];
        else {
            warn "Bad line";

        $constant{ $name } = $value;

    return %constant;

sub parse_type_value_specifier {
    my $tvs = shift;

    my ($type, $value) = $tvs =~ /<(\w+)\s+(.*?)>/;

    return $type, $value;

constant fixup GemEstabCommDelay = <U2 20>
    vid = 6
    units = "s"
    min = <U2 0>
    max = <U2 1800>
    default = <U2 20>

constant fixup private GemConstantFileName = <A "C:\\TMP\\CONST.LOG">
    vid = 4
    name = ""  units = ""

constant fixup private GemAlarmFileName = <A "C:\\TMP\\ALARM.LOG">
    vid = 0
    name = ""
    units = ""


vid = 6
Bad line at D:\learning\perl\hello1.pl line 102, <DATA> line 8.
units = "s"
min = <U2 0>
max = <U2 1800>
default = <U2 20>
vid = 4
Bad line at D:\learning\perl\hello1.pl line 102, <DATA> line 13.
name = ""
units = ""
vid = 0
Bad line at D:\learning\perl\hello1.pl line 102, <DATA> line 18.
name = ""
units = ""
$VAR1 = {
          'GemAlarmFileName' => {
                                  'vid' => '0      ',
                                  'options' => [
                                  'value' => '"C:\\\\TMP\\\\ALARM.LOG"',
                                  'name' => '',
                                  'type' => 'A',
                                  'const_name' => 'GemAlarmFileName',
                                  'units' => ''
          'GemEstabCommDelay' => {
                                   'vid' => '6      ',
                                   'options' => [
                                   'value' => '20',
                                   'min' => [
                                   'name' => 'ESTABLISHCOMMUNICATIONSTIMEOUT',
                                   'max' => [
                                   'default' => [
                                   'type' => 'U2',
                                   'units' => 's',
                                   'const_name' => 'GemEstabCommDelay'
          'GemConstantFileName' => {
                                     'vid' => '4      ',
                                     'options' => [
                                     'value' => '"C:\\\\TMP\\\\CONST.LOG"',
                                     'name' => '',
                                     'type' => 'A',
                                     'const_name' => 'GemConstantFileName',
                                     'units' => ''


你会注意到 'vid​​' =>'0',(注意空格)

You could notice that 'vid' => '0 ', (notice the white space)


The code above from the answer. I am studying it. :-)



$myString =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;



$myString =~ s/\s*$//;

这篇关于如何删除 Perl 字符串中的空格?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 17:57