



 < tr> 
< td colspan =2width =600pxstyle =padding:15px 0 15px 0; font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:40px; color:#0066cc;> ;
< / td>
< / tr>

我们尝试使用< p> 标签,而不是在其中设置样式,也尝试了< font face =arial,sans-serif> ,但这些都似乎不起作用。




否则,它可能是一个CSS规则,在自己的样式表中被定义为!important。如果是这种情况,那么 font-family:sans-serif!important 可以解决你的问题。

I've put together an HTML email. Together, a few of us here know how to do this pretty well (tables, inline styles, etc.) and it displays perfectly on multiple browsers and in Outlook, Google and Hotmail.

However, Yahoo is another matter. All of the text is displaying in a serif font when we have specified sans-serif. Here's a snippet of code as an example of how it's been done:

  <td colspan="2" width="600px" style="padding: 15px 0 15px 0; font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:40px; color:#0066cc;">
    Some text in here

We've tried using <p> tags instead and styling inside that, also tried <font face="arial, sans-serif"> but neither of these seem to work.

Has anyone had a similar experience and/or, more importantly, are there any HTML email gurus out there who know how to resolve this issue?


The first thing to look at is the HTML that Yahoo gives to your web browser. If they actually modified the HTML have your answer.

Otherwise, it could be a CSS rule which was defined as "!important" in their own stylesheet. If this is the case, then font-family:sans-serif !important could solve your issue.


10-19 04:10