





现在我不能使用Timer,因为如果这样做,我将在MouseMotion和Ball Movement中具有相同的延迟.


使用计时器,我必须选择墙壁和球的延迟时间. 10毫秒对于墙运动非常有用,因为当我移动鼠标时它会立即运动,但对于球运动来说却太快了.甚至诺里斯(Chuck Norris)都无法如此快地移动鼠标,以使球从墙壁上弹起.

我尝试创建2个不同的计时器,但是它不接受鼠标侦听器. ActionListenerTimer唯一接受的侦听器,但是由于某些原因,如果我使用单个计时器并将this作为参数,它仍会触发actionPerformed方法旁边的鼠标移动方法.但这给了我相同的球和墙延迟时间.




private Timer trigger = new Timer(200, this);
private Timer wall = new Timer(10, this);


if ((start.getText() == "Spiel aktiv..." || trigger.isRunning() == true) || wall.isRunning() == true) {
g.setColor(new Color(255, 254, 102));
g.fillRect(x, screen.getHeight() - 15, length, 10);

if ((start.getText() == "Spiel aktiv..." || trigger.isRunning() == true) && wall.isRunning() == false) {

        ball_x = ball_x + dx;
        ball_y = ball_y + dy;

        if (ball_x > (screen.getWidth() - 100) || ball_x < 10) {
        dx = -dx;
        bounce = true;


        if (ball_y > (screen.getHeight() - 115) || ball_y < 10) {
        dy = -dy;
        bounce = true;


    g.setColor(new Color(103, 104, 255));
    g.drawRect(ball_x, ball_y, 100, 100);
    g.setColor(new Color(255, 254, 102));
    g.fillOval(ball_x, ball_y, 60, 60);






照常添加侦听器(Maus扩展了MouseMotionAdapter),而没有任何其他线程. Event Dispather Thread用于处理鼠标事件.


I am new to Java and right now i am trying to understand Threads.

I am currently working on a "make the ball bounce or you lose" game.

In this game there is a ball that bounces of a "wall" or a "Girder".

The Wall moves with the x position of the cursor. no y movement.

Now i can't use Timer because if i do that i will have the same delay for MouseMotion and Ball Movement.

What i am trying to achieve is getting the mousemotion information with a delay of 10ms and the ball movement with a delay of 200 ms.

With Timer i have to choose either delay for both wall and ball. 10ms is great for the wall movement as it moves instantly when i move my mouse but it is way too fast for the ball movement. not even chuck norris could move the mouse so fast to let the ball bounce off the wall.

I tried creating 2 different Timers but it won't accept the mouse listener. ActionListeners are the only Listeners the Timer accepts but for some reason it still triggers the mouse motion method beside the actionPerformed method if I use a single timer with this as the parameter. But that gives me the same delay for both ball and wall.

So that is why I need threads to do it. But I have no idea how to get the mouse motion information from the MouseListener to paintComponent within a Thread.

I hope you guys understand my problem.


This is how i am now trying to get a wall delay of 10ms and ball delay of 200ms:

private Timer trigger = new Timer(200, this);
private Timer wall = new Timer(10, this);

in paintComponent

if ((start.getText() == "Spiel aktiv..." || trigger.isRunning() == true) || wall.isRunning() == true) {
g.setColor(new Color(255, 254, 102));
g.fillRect(x, screen.getHeight() - 15, length, 10);

if ((start.getText() == "Spiel aktiv..." || trigger.isRunning() == true) && wall.isRunning() == false) {

        ball_x = ball_x + dx;
        ball_y = ball_y + dy;

        if (ball_x > (screen.getWidth() - 100) || ball_x < 10) {
        dx = -dx;
        bounce = true;


        if (ball_y > (screen.getHeight() - 115) || ball_y < 10) {
        dy = -dy;
        bounce = true;


    g.setColor(new Color(103, 104, 255));
    g.drawRect(ball_x, ball_y, 100, 100);
    g.setColor(new Color(255, 254, 102));
    g.fillOval(ball_x, ball_y, 60, 60);



in actionPerformed i start the wall and trigger(ball) timers as soon as start is clicked by the user.

But i can't get the ball and wall timers to work seperately. wall timer is faster and does a complete repaint but i just want it to repaint the wall not the ball.


Add your listener (the Maus extends MouseMotionAdapter) as usual without any additional threads. Event Dispather Thread is used to process mouse events.

Use javax.swing.Timer with any desired delay just to change the ball position.


10-24 21:08