


I am plotting a surface from a data file. I want to remove the mesh line parallel to x axis.


set xlabel 'x';
set ylabel 'y';
splot "-" using 1:2:3 notitle w l;
1 1.0 0.998
1 2.0 0.998
1 3.0 0.998
1 4.0 0.998
1 5.0 0.997
1 6.0 0.997
1 7.0 0.997
1 8.0 0.997
1 9.0 0.997
1 10.0 0.997

2 1.0 0.998
2 2.0 0.997
2 3.0 0.996
2 4.0 0.995
2 5.0 0.995
2 6.0 0.995
2 7.0 0.995
2 8.0 0.994
2 9.0 0.989
2 10.0 0.987

3 1.0 0.997
3 2.0 0.997
3 3.0 0.997
3 4.0 0.997
3 5.0 0.997
3 6.0 0.997
3 7.0 0.996
3 8.0 0.996
3 9.0 0.995
3 10.0 0.994

4 1.0 0.997
4 2.0 0.996
4 3.0 0.993
4 4.0 0.99
4 5.0 0.986
4 6.0 0.982
4 7.0 0.977
4 8.0 0.974
4 9.0 0.966
4 10.0 0.959




The second figure is produced by adding a dummy data line:

2 11.0 0.987


However, I am plotting from load of data files. I can not modify each data file to add a dummy data line. Is it possible by not adding dummy data line to produce the second figure?



The easiest way is to replace every empty line with two empty lines. Then you have one data block for every x-value. And points in different blocks aren't connected with each other:

文件 data.txt 包含:

1 1.0 0.998
1 2.0 0.998
1 3.0 0.998
1 4.0 0.998
1 5.0 0.997
1 6.0 0.997
1 7.0 0.997
1 8.0 0.997
1 9.0 0.997
1 10.0 0.997

2 1.0 0.998
2 2.0 0.997
2 3.0 0.996
2 4.0 0.995
2 5.0 0.995
2 6.0 0.995
2 7.0 0.995
2 8.0 0.994
2 9.0 0.989
2 10.0 0.987

3 1.0 0.997
3 2.0 0.997
3 3.0 0.997
3 4.0 0.997
3 5.0 0.997
3 6.0 0.997
3 7.0 0.996
3 8.0 0.996
3 9.0 0.995
3 10.0 0.994

4 1.0 0.997
4 2.0 0.996
4 3.0 0.993
4 4.0 0.99
4 5.0 0.986
4 6.0 0.982
4 7.0 0.977
4 8.0 0.974
4 9.0 0.966
4 10.0 0.959


splot '< sed "s/^$/\n/g" data.txt' w l


如果不能使用 sed ,则必须使用与:

If you cannot use sed, you must use an approach similar to the one shown in plot matrix with lines gnuplot:

stats 'data.txt' nooutput
splot for [i=0:STATS_blank] 'data.txt' every :::i::i lt 1 w l


09-05 21:09