


I have an array of data that I would like to plot



How can I set the line style to automatically change to the next style once the line colours have been through one cycle?


For this example I would like the 8-10th lines to have a different line style. I can do it manually but I'd like Matlab to do it for me if I can set a default option somewhere.


您的第一个倾向可能是更改绘制您的数据之前。不幸的是,等高级绘图功能将会重置为其默认值' - '。一种解决方案是。例如:

Your first inclination might be to just change the 'LineStyleOrder' property of the axes before plotting your data. Unfortunately, high-level plotting functions like PLOT will reset the 'LineStyleOrder' property of the axes to it's default value '-'before plotting. One solution is to change the default value used by all axes objects at the root level. For example:


首先使用实线,然后使用虚线, 。请注意,您还可以使用自定义与高级绘图函数通过更改根的默认值。以下示例将对其进行更改,因此仅在红色,绿色和蓝色之间循环:

Will first use a solid line, then a dotted line, and then repeat again if necessary for each plot. Note that you could also use a custom 'ColorOrder' property with high-level plotting functions by changing the default value at the root as well. The following example will change it so PLOT cycles between only red, green, and blue:

set(0,'DefaultAxesColorOrder',[1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1]);


Instead of worrying about different line styles, another solution to your problem would be to set the default color order to have more than just 7 colors.


Once default property values on the root are set, they will stay that way until MATLAB is closed. When reopened, the default property values will be set back to their factory-defined values. Commands like CLEAR won't set default properties back to their factory-defined values. Instead, you should set the default property value to 'remove' to undo user-defined values, like so:

set(0,'DefaultAxesLineStyleOrder','remove');  %# Sets the default back to '-'

另一种方法是更改​​所有轴对象,如果您更改或属性, a href =http://www.mathworks.com/help/techdoc/ref/plot.html> PLOT 不会将其重置为默认值。例如,这应该做你想要的:

As another alternative to changing the default properties used by all axes objects, if you change the NextPlot property of an individual axes to anything except 'replace' you can then change the 'LineStyleOrder' or 'ColorOrder' properties to whatever you want and PLOT will not reset them to their defaults. For example, this should do what you want as well:



08-11 14:21