我想在Linux上创建删除/ tmp文件夹的内容的程序,我使用C / C ++。
I am trying to create a program that deletes the contents of the /tmp folder, I am using C/C++ on linux.
system("exec rm -r /tmp")
deletes everything in the folder but it deletes the folder too which I dont want.
来做到这一点;或者是有一个直接的方式我可以在C做到这一点/ C ++?
Is there any way to do this by some sort of bash script, called via system()
; or is there a direct way i can do this in C/C++?
我的问题是一个与此相似,但林不上的OS X ... how删除所有文件夹中,而不是文件夹本身?
My question is similar to this one, but im not on OS X... how to delete all files in a folder, but not the folder itself?
在C / C ++,你可以这样做:
In C/C++, you could do:
system("exec rm -r /tmp/*")
In Bash, you could do:
rm -r /tmp/*
这将删除里面的/ tmp目录的一切,而不是/ tmp目录本身。
This will delete everything inside /tmp, but not /tmp itself.