本文介绍了如何在Firebird 2.5.x中获取服务器名\主机名的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我使用Firebird 2.5,并且想要检索以下值

I use Firebird 2.5, and I want to retrieve the following values

我用SELECT rdb$get_context('SYSTEM', 'CURRENT_USER') FROM ...

I used SELECT rdb$get_context('SYSTEM', 'CURRENT_USER') FROM ...

我用SELECT rdb$get_context('SYSTEM', 'DB_NAME') FROM ...

Database name:
I used SELECT rdb$get_context('SYSTEM', 'DB_NAME') FROM ...


But for server name, I did not find any client API, do you know how can I retrieve the server name with a SELECT statement.



There is nothing built-in in Firebird to obtain the server host name (or host names, as a server can have multiple host names) through SQL.

最接近的方法是通过isc_database_info API函数请求isc_info_firebird_version信息项.返回的版本信息-如果通过TCP/IP连接-包括服务器的主机名.

The closest you can get is by requesting the isc_info_firebird_version information item through the isc_database_info API function. This returns version information that - if connecting through TCP/IP - includes a host name of the server.


But as your primary reason for this is to discern between environments in SQL, it might be better to look for a different solution. Some ideas:


You can create an external table to contain the environment information you need


In this example I just put in a short, fixed width name for the environment types, but you could include other information, just be aware the external table format is a binary format. When using CHAR it will look like a fixed width format, where values shorter than declared need to be padded with spaces.


You can follow these steps:

  1. firebird.conf中配置ExternalFileAccess(在此示例中,您需要设置ExternalFileAccess = Restrict D:\data\DB\exttables).

  1. Configure ExternalFileAccess in firebird.conf (for this example, you'd need to set ExternalFileAccess = Restrict D:\data\DB\exttables).


create table environment
  external file 'D:\data\DB\exttables\environment.dat' (

  • 接下来,创建文件D:\data\DB\exttables\environment.dat,并使用三个字符(例如,用于测试的TST,用于生产的PRO)填充该文件.您也可以插入该值,否则将自动创建外部表文件.如果您想要更多的列或具有不同长度的数据等,则插入可能会更简单.请记住,它是二进制的,但是对所有列使用CHAR会使它看起来像文本.

  • Next, create the file D:\data\DB\exttables\environment.dat and populate it with exactly three characters (eg TST for test, PRO for production, etc). You can also insert the value instead, the external table file will be created automatically. Inserting might be simpler if you want more columns, or data with varying length, etc. Just keep in mind it is binary, but using CHAR for all columns will make it look like text.


    Do this for each environment, and make sure the file is read-only to avoid accidental inserts.


    After this is done, you can obtain the environment information using

    select environment_type
    from environment


    You can share the same file for multiple databases on the same host, and external files are - by default - not included in a gbak backup (they are only included if you apply the -convert backup option), so this would allow moving database between environments without dragging this information along.


    You can write an UDF (User-Defined Function) or UDR (User Defined Routine) in a suitable programming language to return the information you want and define this function in your database. Firebird can then call this function from SQL.

    UDF被认为已弃用,如果可能,您应该使用Firebird 3中引入的UDR.

    UDFs are considered deprecated, and you should use UDRs - introduced in Firebird 3 - instead if possible.


    I have never written an UDF or UDR myself, so I can't describe it in detail.

    这篇关于如何在Firebird 2.5.x中获取服务器名\主机名的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

  • 07-23 20:05