我使用的是Jersey 1.17.1,在我创建的每个URL上,我都希望允许人们将".json"放在末尾.这是我所做的事的一个示例:
I'm using Jersey 1.17.1 and on every URL I've created I want to allow people to put ".json" at the end or not. Here's an example of what I've done:
@Path("basepath{extension: (\\.json)?}")
public String foobar() {
Eventually I'm going to let them choose between nothing, ".json" or ".xml" and I'm concerned about my DRY violation here. I'll have to change every @Path to this instead:
@Path("basepath{extension: (\\.json|\\.xml)?}")
public String foobar() {
是否有更好的方法可以使我的路径值更可重用?尽管我无法使用Jersey 2.0,但我很想知道它是否可以解决此问题.
Is there a better way to do this that lets my path value be more reusable? Although I can't use Jersey 2.0, I'd be interested to know if it can solve this problem.
一种方法是将 PackagesResourceConfig 并通知Jersey哪些扩展应映射到哪种媒体类型.例如:
One way to do this is to subclass PackagesResourceConfig and inform Jersey which extensions should map to which media types. For instance:
public class ExampleResourceConfig extends PackagesResourceConfig {
public Map<String, MediaType> getMediaTypeMappings() {
Map<String, MediaType> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("xml", MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_TYPE);
map.put("json", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE);
return map;
and then your actual REST service might look like:
public Response foobar() {
.我不确定您如何构建响应以及您的要求是什么,但是Jersey可以毫无问题地将Java bean转换为XML或JSON(甚至JSONP).
Jersey will select the appropriate media type based on the url extension. Note that Response
is returned instead of String
. I'm not sure how you're building your response and what your requirements are but Jersey can handle converting your Java beans into either XML or JSON (or even JSONP) without a problem.