我正在使用 Spring Batch(和 Spring Boot)在 MultiResourceItemReader
中使用 StaxEventItemReader
读取 XML 文件.批处理读取器旨在针对 并处理/写入 XML 源中的每个寄存器.
I'm using Spring Batch (with Spring Boot) to read an XML file using StaxEventItemReader
in a MultiResourceItemReader
. Batch reader is intended to target <Receipt>
and process/write for each register from the XML-source.
问题是我需要将 内容与每个寄存器一起编写.我能够配置
以便逐个读取收据(为每个寄存器获取对 process()
的回调),但我不知道如何才能我让 reader/unmarshaller 每次都读取 和
The problem I have is that I need to write the <Header>
contents together with every register. I was able to configure Jaxb2Marshaller
in order to read receipts one-by-one (getting a callback to process()
for each register), but I cannot figure out how can I make reader/unmarshaller to read both the <Header>
and a <Receipt>
each time.
也许我必须创建一个 ReceiptWrapper
类来保存标题 + 收据?在这种情况下,如何指示 Jaxb2Marshaller
这样做?以及如何注释 Wrapper 类?我的注释很乱,reader.setFragmentRootElementNames()
和 marshaller.setClassesToBeBound()
Maybe I have to create a ReceiptWrapper
class to hold both header + receipt? In that case, how to instruct Jaxb2Marshaller
to do so? And how to annotate Wrapper class?I'm a mess with annotations, reader.setFragmentRootElementNames()
and marshaller.setClassesToBeBound()
Is there any simple way to achieve that?
The aim is to concatenate the header at the beginning of every register.
注意:我通过 Eclipse JAXB 代码从我生成的 XSD 创建了 Header 和 Receipt 类.
Note: I created Header and Receipt classes via Eclipse JAXB code generation from an XSD I generated.
这里是要读取的 XML 的结构:
Here is the structure of the XML to read:
<ProcesosEIAC xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.tirea.es/EIAC/ProcesosEIAC ProcesosEIAC.xsd" xmlns="http://www.tirea.es/EIAC/ProcesosEIAC" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<!-- [...] -->
<!-- [...] -->
<!-- [...] -->
// Don't know how this should be...
fileReader.setFragmentRootElementNames(new String[]{"ProcesosEIAC", "Header", "Receipt"});
Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller = new Jaxb2Marshaller();
marshaller.setClassesToBeBound(ReceiptWrapper.class /*, HeaderType.class, ReceiptType.class*/);
最后我设法让它发挥作用.本质上,根据我的理解,要实现结果,您必须设置 StaxEventItemReader
Finally I managed to make it work. In essence from what I've understood, to achieve the result, you must set the root elements of the fragments StaxEventItemReader
is going to generate.
fileReader.setFragmentRootElementNames(new String[]{ "Header", "Receipt" }
Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller = new Jaxb2Marshaller();
marshaller.setClassesToBeBound(HeaderType.class, ReceiptType.class);
其中 HeaderType.class
和 ReceiptType.class
是 JAXB 生成的类.
where HeaderType.class
and ReceiptType.class
are the JAXB-generated classes.
诀窍是为 JAXB 类(例如 MyXmlTargetElement
The trick was to define a common interface or base class for JAXB classes (e.g. MyXmlTargetElement
) so that reader type declaration matches the unmarshalled objects:
StaxEventItemReader<MyXmlTargetElement> fileReader = new StaxEventItemReader<>();
这允许逐个读取元素(包括 )并且不需要包装类.
This allowed to read elements sequentially one-by-one (including <Header>
) and no wrapper class was necessary.
然后在 Batch ItemProcessor 的 process(MyXmlTargetElement item)
方法中,我使用 instanceof 检查了项目的实际类型,并在读取标头时将其设置为私有成员字段(lastHeader).然后,当 出现时,您已经在该成员中存储了先前的标头.
Then in the process(MyXmlTargetElement item)
method of Batch ItemProcessor, I checked for the actual type of item using instanceof and when a header has been read, set it to a private member field (lastHeader
). Then, when a <Receipt>
comes, you already have the previously header stored in that member.
这篇关于针对多个 XML 节点的 Spring Batch JAXB XML 解组的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!