

我们正在使用Office 365将Intranet投入使用.我们希望进行配置,以便用户访问与其部门相关联的共享文档库.所以 如果计划用户登录到Intranet,则可以导航到计划页面并查看其计划文档库. 

我们还希望该库通过OneDrive出现在Windows资源管理器中.我们已经通过创建文档库并单击Sharepoint中可用的同步"按钮来做到这一点. 完成后,该文件夹将出现在Windows资源管理器的OneDrive文件夹中.

是否可以通过一种方法使该文件夹出现在Windows资源管理器中,而无需用户登录和按同步"按钮?  我们的某些用户未使用Intranet,因此我们会 这样就不必这样做.  共享文件夹只会出现"在目录中如果他们可以访问

We are using Office 365 to go live with an intranet.  We want this configured so that users an access shared document libraries associated with their department.  So if a planning user logs in to the intranet they can navigate to the planning page and see their Planning document library. 

We also want this library to appear in Windows Explorer via OneDrive.  We've managed to do this by creating the document library and click the Sync button available in Sharepoint.  When this is done the folder appears in the OneDrive folder in Windows Explorer.

Is there a way to have the folder appear in Windows Explorer without the user having to log in and press the Sync button?  Some of our users do not use the intranet so we'd like then not to have to do this.  Shared folders would just "appear" if they had access to it



unless you develop that form application by yourself.


07-23 18:50