Can anybody help to me about communication with a LCD monitor
ı post the manual about communication over tcp
thank you
MIS1 communication over TCP/IP
In order to exchange information with an LCD controller all data must be wrapped into an MIS1 frame according to the Definition of Host (DoH). The following table shows all transport layers:
# Layer Function
7 Data MIS1, DoH
6 Data MIS1, DoH
5 Data MIS1, DoH
4 Transport TCP
3 Network IP
2 Data Link Ethernet
1 Physical Ethernet
Table 1: OSI model
In the example below the required MIS1 frames for displaying a given text sequence on the display (command 0x18, see Definition of Host) are illustrated.
1. Sending the command
At first, the host sends the command to the LCD controller with slave address 1 which contains all necessary information:
>>>[19] 0x04 0x81 0x02 0x18 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x10 0x05 0x00 0x0A
0x00 0x40 0x41 0x42 0x43 0x03 0xB2
Control characters: 0x04 0x02 0x03
Slave address: 0x81 Address 0x01 OR 0x80
Code and Command ID: 0x18 0x01
Data payload: 0x01 Image number, 1
0x00 Font number, 0
0x00 0x05 Horizontal position x, 5px
0x00 0x0A Vertical position y, 10px
0x00 0x40 Text range width w, 64px
0x41 0x42 0x43 Text data, "ABC"
Escape character: 0x10
Checksum: 0xB2
As the data payload byte 0x05 is a control character (ENQ) it has to be escaped with 0x10 (DLE). The checksum is an arithmetic sum counting all bytes after 0x02 (STX) including 0x03 (ETX) – any DLE characters (0x10) must be ignored! Thus the sum can be calculated as:
0x18 + 0x01 + 0x01 + … + 0x42 + 0x43 + 0x03 = 0x0132 OR 0x80 = 0xB2
2. Receiving the acknowledgement
When a command has been sent to a slave controller it immediately replies with either an ACK (0x06, positive) or a NAK (0x15, negative) byte. This returned byte only informs the host about the MIS1 frame syntax, not about the correctness of the command itself.
<<<[1] 0x06
Status byte: 0x06 Command syntax OK
3. Requesting the status
In order to check whether a previously sent command has been accepted or an error occurred, the host can request the status of the client by sending an enquiry.
>>>[3] 0x04 0x81 0x05
Control characters: 0x04 0x05
Slave address: 0x81 Address 0x01 OR 0x80
4. Receiving the error notification
In case the command from the first step did not generate an error the slave controller will simply respond with a single NAK (0x15) byte.
<<<[1] 0x15
Status byte: 0x15 No error available
Otherwise an appropriate error notification message will be returned to the host. For example if the text range width was chosen too small for the transmitted text array the following notification would be sent:
>>>[3] 0x04 0x8C 0x01 0x18 0x01 0x03 0xA9
Control characters: 0x04 0x03
Code and Command ID: 0x8C 0x01 Command ID generating the error
Data payload: 0x18 Code generating the error
0x01 Error code, "CLIPPED"
Checksum: 0xA9
class Program
// I don't know if this needs to be extended
private static readonly byte[] ControlCharacters = new byte[]
// This escapes payload data if the data is a control character
private static void Add(byte data, IList<byte> buffer)
if (ControlCharacters.Contains(data)) // Below 1F is control characters
buffer.Add(0x10); // Escape
private static byte CalculateCheckSum(IEnumerable<byte> buffer)
// Get everything after the first 3 bytes
byte[] payload = buffer.Reverse().Take(buffer.Count() - 3).Reverse().ToArray();
return (byte)((from b in payload where b != 0x10 select (int)b).Sum() | 0x80);
public static byte[] GetDisplayTextMessage(int slaveAddress, string text, int font, int x, int y, int w)
IList<byte> buffer = new List<byte>();
buffer.Add(0x04); // Start
buffer.Add((byte)(0x80 | slaveAddress)); // Slave address
buffer.Add(0x02); // Control
buffer.Add(0x18); // Code
buffer.Add(0x01); // Command
buffer.Add(0x01); // DataPayload image number
buffer.Add((byte)font); // Font number
Add(0x00, buffer); Add((byte)x, buffer); // HPosition x
Add(0x00, buffer); Add((byte)y, buffer); // VPosition y
Add(0x00, buffer); Add((byte)w, buffer); // Text range width
foreach (byte b in Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text))
Add(b, buffer); // Add the text
buffer.Add(0x03); // Control
return buffer.ToArray();
static void Main(string[] args)
byte[] data = GetDisplayTextMessage(1, "ABC", 0, 5, 10, 64);
TcpClient client = new TcpClient("localhost", 4242);
Stream stream = client.GetStream();
stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
弗雷德里克·博纳德(Fredrik Bornander)
Obviously you''ll have to adjust for your host and port.
Hope this helps,
Fredrik Bornander