


I was wondering if there are benefits associated with using a BufferBlock linked to one or many ActionBlocks, other than throttling (using BoundedCapacity), instead of just posting directly to ActionBlock(s) (as long as throttling is not required).


如果你想要做的就是转发来自一个街区项目几个人,你不需要 BufferBlock

If all you want to do is to forward items from one block to several others, you don't need BufferBlock.

不过,当然也有地方是有用的情况。例如,如果你有一个复杂的网络数据流,您可能希望从较小的子网络构建它,在它自己的方法创建的每一个。而要做到这一点,你需要一些方法来表示一组块。在这种情况下,你所提到的,返回单个 BufferBlock (可能为 ITargetBlock )的方法将是一个简单的解决方案。

But there are certainly cases where it is useful. For example, if you have a complex dataflow network, you might want to build it from smaller sub-networks, each one created in its own method. And to do this, you need some way to represent a group of blocks. In the case you mentioned, returning that single BufferBlock (probably as ITargetBlock) from the method would be an easy solution.

另外一个例子,其中 BufferBlock 将是有益的是,如果你想从多个源块内容发送至多个目标块。如果你使用 BufferBlock 作为中介,你不必给每个源块到每个目标块连接。

Another example where BufferBlock would be useful is if you wanted to send items from several source blocks to several target blocks. If you used BufferBlock as an intermediary, you don't have to connect each source block to each target block.

我敢肯定,有许多其他的例子,你可以使用 BufferBlock 。当然,如果你没有看到任何理由在你的情况来使用它,那就不要。

I'm sure there are many other examples where you could use BufferBlock. Of course, if you don't see any reason to use it in your case, then don't.


10-27 19:05