我正在尝试使用php mailer将电子邮件发送到多个电子邮件地址,但无法正常工作.我试过爆炸地址,但似乎无济于事.这是我的代码
I am trying to send emails to multiple email addresses using php mailer but its not working. I've tried explode the addresses but nothing seems to work. here is my code
<input type="text" name="addresses" value="{$addresses}"/>
输入中的当前输出为test1 @ gmail.com,test2 @ gmail.com,test3 @ gmail.com,
current output in the input is [email protected],[email protected],[email protected],
php to send email:
/* Get Customer info*/
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM customer WHERE ID='$id' LIMIT 1");
if($email_addresses != "" && $customer_email !=""){
}elseif($email_addresses == "" && $customer_email !=""){
/* Get Email Options */
$r=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `email` WHERE `ID`=1");
/* Headers */
$subject = "$emailsubject";
$mailer = "$emailfrom";
$headers = "From: $mailer \r\n";
$headers .= "Reply-To: $mailer\r\n";
$headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n boundary=\"PHP-mixed- ".$random_hash."\"";
$headers .= "Importance: $emailpriority\r\n";
$email = new PHPMailer();
$email->From = $mailer;
$email->FromName = $mailer;
$email->Subject = $subject;
$email->Body = $message;
$email->AddAddress( $emailto );
因此,如果我在输入框中有一个收件人,它将很好地发送电子邮件,但是如果我有多个收件人并将其与分开,它将不会发送电子邮件.我试过$ emailto = explode(',',$ email_addresses);由于我使用分隔电子邮件,但这不起作用.任何建议都会很棒.
so if I have one recipient in the input box it send the email fine but if I have multiple and separate them with , it does not send the email. i've tried $emailto=explode(',',$email_addresses); since I am separating the email with , but that does not work. any suggestion would be great.
假定$ email_addresses变量中包含良好的数据.
Assume you have good data in $email_addresses variable.
$email->AddAddress( $emailto );
$addr = explode(',',$email_addresses);
foreach ($addr as $ad) {
$email->AddAddress( trim($ad) );