


I have a package.json that looks similar to this:

"scripts": {
    "dev": "cross-env BABEL_ENV=client webpack --config webpack/client.development.js && yarn dev:stub-server | cross-env BABEL_ENV=server babel-node src/server/server.js",
    "dev:stub-server": "./node_modules/.bin/robohydra ./stubs/robohydra-config.json -p 3100"


I added some logic in the code to change the way the dev:stub-server is configured depending on a command line argument. So, whenever I run the following I get what I expect:

yarn dev:stub-server --results=4
$ ./node_modules/.bin/robohydra ./stubs/robohydra-config.json -p 3100 -- --results=4


As you can see, the options are forwarded to the underlying script and everything works as expected.

我的问题是我无法将--resultsyarn dev命令传播到dev:stub-server的正确位置.父脚本运行dev:stub-server,但是该参数最后被转发到基础脚本,如下所示:

My problem is that I cannot have the --results propagated from the yarn dev command to dev:stub-server in the correct position. The parent script runs dev:stub-server but the argument is forwarded to the underlying script at the end as follows:

yarn dev --results=2
$ cross-env BABEL_ENV=client webpack --config webpack/client.development.js && yarn dev:stub-server | cross-env BABEL_ENV=server babel-node src/server/server.js --results=2


Is there a way to make the above work as follows instead?

yarn dev --results=2
$ cross-env BABEL_ENV=client webpack --config webpack/client.development.js && yarn dev:stub-server --results=2 | cross-env BABEL_ENV=server babel-node src/server/server.js



纱线的 仅支持将args附加到命令链的末尾,并且至少从2018年6月14日开始,没有任何方法可以覆盖它.

Yarn's run only supports appending your args to the end of the command chain, and at least as of date 2018-06-14, there isn't a way to override that.


When I've needed this in the past, I've cooked up my own dev.js script that was called by my package.json, and pulled args out environment variables.


07-30 16:11