本文介绍了无需重启即可升级 - 实践中会发生哪些问题?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



If you update, what kinds of problems can happen before you reboot? This happens especially frequently if you use unattended-upgrade to apply security patches.


Shared objects get replaced and so it is possible for programs to get out of sync with each other.


How long can you go safely before rebooting?



What I meant by "can programs get out of sync with one another" is that one binary has the earlier version of the shared object and a newly launched instance has the newer version of the shared object. It seems to me that if those versions are incompatible that the two binaries may not interoperate properly.


And does this happen in practice very often?


我所了解的更多是安装程序通常会启动/停止依赖于共享库的服务,以便他们获得新版本的 API.如果他们获得了所有依赖项,那么您可能没问题.但是人们是否经常看到安装程序缺少依赖项?

What I'm getting at is more along the lines that installers typically start/stop services that depend on a shared library so that they will get the new version of an API. If they get all the dependencies, then you are probably ok. But do people see installers missing dependencies often?

如果服务被编写为兼容所有以前的 API 版本,那么这将不是问题.但我怀疑通常没有完成.

If a service is written to support all previous API versions compatibly, then this will not be an issue. But I suspect that often it is not done.

如果有内核更新,特别是如果有不兼容的 ABI 更改,我看不到您如何获得所有依赖项.我一直在寻找关于事情是否以及如何翻转"以及人们是否在实践中观察到这一点的经验,无论是内核更新还是库/包更新.

If there are kernel updates, especially if there are incompatible ABI changes, I don't see how you can get all the dependencies. I was looking for experience with whether and how things "tip over" and whether people have observed this in practice, either for kernel updates or for library/package updates.

是的,这可能应该被放入 ServerFault...

Yes, this probably should have been put into ServerFault...



There are two versions of an executable file at any moment in time; the one in memory and the one in disk.


When you update, the one on disk gets replaced; the one in memory is the old one. If it's a shared object, it stays there until every application that uses it quits; if it's the kernel, it stays there until you reboot.


Bluntly put, if it's a security vulnerability you're updating for, the vulnerability stays until you load the (hopefully) patched version. So if it's a kernel, you aren't safe until you reboot. If it's a shared object, a reboot guarantees safety.


Basically, I'd say it depends on the category of the vulnerability. If it's security, restart whatever is affected. Otherwise, well, unless the bug is adversely affecting you, I wouldn't worry. If it's the kernel, I always reboot.

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08-24 11:58