


I'm aware checked exceptions have to be handled or specified, but unchecked exceptions are optional.


If for some reason I can reasonably expect an unchecked exception to occur in a method, should I add it to the throws specification? Or should I keep the specification as short as possible?


由于未经检查的异常表明 programming错误,应避免在 throws 子句中声明它们。通常,除程序的最高级别外,不应尝试捕获这些异常。该规则有一些例外情况(例如双关语)-例如,在生产代码中,您应该捕获 NumberFormatException

Since unchecked exceptions indicate programming errors, declaring them in the throws clause should be avoided. Generally, catching these exceptions should not be attempted, except for the highest level of your program. There are a few exceptions (pun intended) to this rule - for example, in production code you should be catching NumberFormatException.

注意:有时,框架的作者会使其基本异常继承 RuntimeException (例如)。这样的异常也应该被捕获。

Note: Sometimes, authors of frameworks make their base exception inherit RuntimeException (e.g. HibernateException). Exceptions like that should be caught as well.


08-21 18:19