I have a project that utilizes the javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage and other related classes that does mime parsing for emails that we receive. This needs to be ported to .NET.
What .Net 3rd party or built in library can I use to replace the Java classes that I'm using?
Anything change in the last 9 months since I asked this question?
我最近发布的 MimeKit 这是更强大比任何其他开源.NET MIME分析程序库外面的和它的快几个数量级,以及由于这样的事实,这是一个实际的流解析器,而不是一个递归下降串分析器(其中也有它的使用的额外好处少了很多的内存)。
I've recently released MimeKit which is far more robust than any of the other open source .NET MIME parser libraries out there and it's orders of magnitude faster as well due to the fact that it is an actual stream parser and not a recursive descent string parser (which also has the added benefit of it using a LOT less memory).
它有一个S / MIME V3.2(包括COM pression,其中没有其他库,声称完全支持真正支持)和OpenPGP的全力支持。
It has full support for S/MIME v3.2 (including compression, which none of the other libraries that claim "full" support actually support) and OpenPGP.
有关SMTP,POP3和IMAP,你可以用我的 MailKit 库,支持了一堆SASL认证机制,包括XOAUTH2(使用由谷歌)。 SMTP客户端支持流水线可以提高发送邮件和IMAP客户端支持,越来越多的扩展,使客户能够优化带宽以及的性能。
For SMTP, POP3, and IMAP you can use my MailKit library which supports a bunch of SASL authentication mechanisms including XOAUTH2 (used by Google). The SMTP client supports PIPELINING which can improve performance of sending mail and the IMAP client supports a growing number of extensions that allow clients to optimize their bandwidth as well.
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