本文介绍了什么是javascript中的[] + []的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


[] + [],[] + {},{} + [],{} + {}的值是多少?怎么样?

What are the values of []+[], []+{}, {}+[], {}+{}? And How?


>{} + {}
>[] + []
>{} + []
>[] + {}
>[Object object]


>var a = [] + {}
>[Object object]
>var b = {} + []
>[Object object]




{的区别} + [] 就是当你执行赋值时,它会在表达式上下文中解析,但是当你自己键入它时它会被解析为一个语句

The difference for the {} + [] is that when you do an assignment it is parsed in an expression context but when you type it by itself it is parsed as a statement

var b = /*an expression*/


This distinction is visible when using anonymous functions

var f = function(){}; //allowed

function(){}; //not allowed. function statements need a name.

所以在表达式上下文中,我们添加 {} (空对象)和 [] (空列表),其中包含。由于, {} 转换为字符串和 [] 转换为,其串联也是[object Object]。

So in the expression context, we add {} (empty object) and [] (empty list) with the binary + operator. Due to the type conversion rules, {} is converted to the string "[object Object]" and [] is converted to the empty string, the concatenation of which is "[object Object]" too.

//parenthesis force an expression
({} + "hello")  //"[object Object]hello"
({} + [])       //"[object Object]"
({} + [1])      //"[object Object]1"
({} + [1,2])    //"[object Object]1,2"

同时,当我们删除括号时, {} 被解析为空块语句。出于实际目的,它就好像我们已完全承诺它一样,留下一个在列表上行动。这会将其转换为数字。

Meanwhile, when we remove the parenthesis, the {} is parsed as an empty block statement. For pratical purposes it works as if we had commited it entirely, leaving an unary + operator to act on the list. This converts it to a number.

+[]     // 0
{} + [] // 0
+{}     // NaN
{} + {} // NaN
{} +"17"// 17

虽然能够从语句中获取值(而不仅仅是表达式)似乎很奇怪,但是Javascript标准,确实 语句的值。在我们的例子中,我们的程序是两个源元素的列表,其 ,。

While it might seem weird to be able to get a value from a statement (instead of only from expressions), the Javascript standard, does specify a value for a statement. In our case, our program is a list of two source elements, whose value is given by the last statement, an expression statement.


A way to see the statement completion value in action is via eval:

 eval("{}")  //undefined
 eval("1")   //1
 eval("1;2") //2

这篇关于什么是javascript中的[] + []的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-19 13:12