I have a basic sbt project. I want to package two jars with the same source files, but compilation with different options.So one project, 2 compilations but with different options (scalacOptions) and 2 jars as output. I don't want to execute sbt twice, changing the options.
在build.sbt中这样的东西,你可以运行sbt compile2:package,并从编译配置和compile2配置生成一个jar:
With something like this in build.sbt, you can run sbt compile2:package and produce both a jar from the compile config and compile2 config:
val Compile2 = config("compile2") extend Compile
inConfig(Compile2)(Defaults.compileSettings ++ Seq(
// these options can be set as "in Compile2" outside of inConfig as well
scalacOptions := SECOND-OPTIONS-LIST,
// otherwise it will be "src/compile2", you want it to be "src/main"
sourceDirectory <<= sourceDirectory in Compile,
sbt.Keys.`package` <<= sbt.Keys.`package` dependsOn (sbt.Keys.`package` in Compile)
scalacOptions in Compile := BASIC-OPTIONS-LIST
b $ b
I guess this is relatively simple in terms of lines of code, but not quite so straightforward if one isn't intimately familiar with sbt.