

我们正在尝试使用Microsoft Test Manager 2015运行自动化测试.

We are trying to run automated tests using Microsoft Test Manager 2015.


We've almost reached our goal. This is what was done so far:

  • 我们能够将构建定义"排队,并在远程服务器上成功运行编码的UI测试.
  • 我们已经创建了一个测试环境,它处于就绪"状态
  • 测试计划正在使用内部定义
  • 测试用例与编码的UI测试相关.


  • 我们没有内部版本要删除文件夹的副本步骤,因为我们没有在代理服务器上安装Visual Studio
  • 到目前为止,我们已将包含编码的UI测试的.dll手动放入代理服务器上的C:\ build文件夹中
  • 测试项目与我们正在测试的实际项目位于单独的解决方案中.我们希望保持这种方式.
  • We don't have a build and copy to drop off folder steps because we don't have Visual Studio installed on the agent server
  • So far, we manually put the .dll that contains coded UI tests to the C:\build folder on the agent server
  • Test project resides in a separate solution from the actual project we are testing. and we want to keep it this way.

当我们尝试使用Microsoft Test Manager 2015运行与测试用例相关联的单独的编码UI测试时,出现错误:

When we try to run a separate coded UI test that is associated with a test case using Microsoft Test Manager 2015, we get an error:

  • 我不知道如何指定构建目录.而且我们并没有真正建立任何东西.我的想法只是从C:\ build文件夹运行测试.旁注:创建Build Drop 选项在我们的TFS 2015 vNext生成定义中丢失
  • 我已经将 Copy and Publish Build Artifacts (复制并发布Build Artifacts)加入了定义,但是我认为这没有用,因为我们什至没有构建任何东西.所有DLL已在驱动器上
  • 我已经检查了C:\ build文件夹的权限.我们要使用的帐户拥有完全访问权限.
    • I don't know how to specify the build directory. And we are not really building anything. My idea is just to run the tests from C:\build folder. Side note: Create Build Drop option is missing from our TFS 2015 vNext build definitions
    • I've included Copy and Publish Build Artifacts step to the definiton, but I think it's useless because we are not even building anything. All DLLs are already on the drive
    • I've checked the permissions for the C:\build folder. the account we are suing has full access to it.
    • 任何帮助将不胜感激


      • 我已经在定义中添加了 Copy and Publish Build Artifacts 步骤,并将网络共享指定为Drop文件夹
      • Controller Service在域帐户下运行
      • 拖放文件夹"拥有对所有人的完全控制权,包括控制器服务域帐户
      • 我已将带有编码UI测试的程序集手动复制到此放置文件夹
      • 控制器服务日志包含以下内容:
      • I've addedd Copy and Publish Build Artifacts step to the definition and specified a network share as a Drop folder
      • Controller Service is running under a domain account
      • Drop Folder has full control given to Everyone, including the controller service domain account
      • I've manually copied assemblies with Coded UI test to this drop folder
      • Controller Service log contains the following:


      TcmRunner: Error starting the test run: The build Directory of the test run either does not exist or access permission is required


      So I'm super confused now... The controller says that it can see Build Directory and the next log message says build directory does not exist.



      I feel you have mixed up a lot of things here.

      1. 您在此处的屏幕快照适用于新的Build定义,即2015年的新方法.这些新版本在MTM自动测试工作流程中不受支持.您的版本定义必须是较早的基于xaml的版本.
      2. 对于您的方案,自动测试工作流程会消耗构建时间.因此,您指定的内部版本必须具有放置位置,测试控制器可以访问该放置位置.较早的xaml构建提供了此功能.


      Good news is that given the fact you are on 2015 you can use the new build workflow to run your automated tests from a test plan/suite


09-06 02:13