

我想将double []数组导出到wav文件.我在处理标头(RIFF,fmt等)时遇到了一些麻烦.有什么想法我应该如何处理吗?也许使用BitConverter将double []数组转换为byte []数组,然后使用NAudio的waveFileWriter?任何示例代码都非常感谢!

I want to export a double[] array to a wav file. I'm having some trouble manipulating the headers (RIFF, fmt, etc) . Any ideas how I should approach this? Maybe use BitConverter to turn the double[] array into a byte[] array and then use NAudio's waveFileWriter? Any sample code much appreciated!



Just use WaveFileWriter's WriteSample method to write each sample one by one, or WriteSamples to do it in one hit. Since you have an array of doubles, you can use a bit of LINQ to convert to a float array first.

float[] floatArray = doubleArray.Select(s => (float)s).ToArray();
writer.WriteSamples(floatArray, 0, floatArray.Length);


This will write each sample to the WaveFileWriter, converting to the correct bit depth (e.g. 16 bit or 32 bit IEEE float), which depends on the WaveFormat you selected when you opened the WaveFileWriter


07-23 14:50