I’m a noob in mirc scripting, and I need some help.
- 有2个irc频道。我们先叫#channel1和#channel2;
- 有2个漫游器。一个是我的,我们称他为 mybot(两个通道中都有我的机器人)。另一个机器人来自第三方,我们称他为 otherBot;
What I need is… let me make an example to better explain.
a) in #channel1 some user type:
[14:38:48] <@someuser> !user xpto
这时,两个频道中都存在 mybot。他读取命令!user *并将其复制/粘贴到#channel2中,其中 otherBot将识别命令!user *并粘贴有关此命令的一些信息。
At this time, "mybot" is in both channels. he reads the command "!user*" and copy/paste it in #channel2, where the "otherBot" will recognize the command "!user*" and will paste some information about this command.
b) so, in #channel2 it will append something like:
[14:38:50] <@ mybot > !user xpto
[14:38:52] <@ otherBot > User name is xpto and he likes popatos.
现在我希望 mybot读取 otherBot提供的信息,然后将其粘贴到#channel1
Now I want that "mybot" reads the information provided by the "otherBot" and then paste it on #channel1
c) so, in #channel1:
[14:38:54] <@ mybot > User name is xpto and he likes popatos.
So far I have the fowling code in my remote:
on *:TEXT:!user*:#channel1 {
/msg # channel2 $1-
on *:TEXT:User name*:#channel2 {
if $address($nick,2) == *!*@otherBot.users.gameea {
/msg # channel1 $1-
这很好,但有一个问题:如果有人(不是在#channel2中键入!user kakaka, mybot还将复制/粘贴 otherBot提供的信息,然后将其粘贴到#channel1上。而且我只希望 mybot仅复制/粘贴 mybot询问的信息至 otherBot。
This works fine, but have a problem: if someone else ( not "mybot" ) type "!user kakaka" in #channel2, "mybot" will also copy/paste the information provided by the "otherBot" and then paste it on #channel1. And I only want that "mybot" copy/paste only the information that "mybot" ask to "otherBot".
A very simple (but not a particularly nice) way of doing this could be to set a global variable when someone types !user in #channel1, and check whether or not this is set in the other part which is listening on #channel2. For example:
on *:TEXT:!user *:#channel1: {
set %repeatUser 1
msg channel2 $1-
on *:TEXT:User name*:#channel2: {
if ($address($nick,2) == *!*@otherBot.users.gameea && %repeatUser == 1) {
unset %repeatUser
msg #channel1 $1-
This isn't a perfect solution, since if the bot says something else between the time it takes for the script to send '!user' to the other channel and for the bot to respond, then it will print out that reply instead of the one for your request, but this is only relevant if #channel2 is ridiculously busy, otherbot is very laggy, or it just so happens that both your bot and someone else type !user on #channel2 within a fraction of a second of eachother.
这篇关于mIRC bot-在2个通道中复制/粘贴行的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!