

我知道 UILocalNotification 仅支持来自应用程序包的 soundName ,但我看到了播放我录制的声音的程序通知,即使程序关闭。如何实现呢?任何想法对我非常重要..

I know that UILocalNotification supports soundName only from app bundle, but I saw program that plays my recorded sound in Notification, even if program is closed. How to implement it? Any ideas is very important for me..


一个肯定的方式得到一个 NSURL 到应用程序文档目录就是这样...

A surefire way to get an NSURL to the application documents directory is like this...

NSURL *documentsDirectoryURL = [[[NSFileManager defaultManager] URLsForDirectory:NSDocumentDirectory inDomains:NSUserDomainMask] lastObject];

然后你可以得到一个 NSURL 您的声音文件像这样...

Then you can get an NSURL reference to your sound file like this...

NSURL *soundURL = [documentsDirectoryURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"sound.caf"];


If you need a string representation of the path to the resource at that URL you can obtain it like this...

NSString *pathRepresentation = [soundURL absoluteString];


07-23 14:48