

本文介绍了jQuery - 从类的元素中获取属性值的列表的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个类 .object,它有一个名为 level 的属性.我想在页面上获取 level 的所有不同值的列表,以便我可以选择最高的值.

I have a class .object which has an attribute called level. I want to get a list of all the different values of level on the page so I can select the highest one.




... will that get me a list of values that are the values of the level attribute? I suspect not, but then how do you do something like that?

注意:我不想像更常见的那样选择要操作的 HTML 对象,而是想选择属性的值.

Note: I don't want to select an HTML object for manipulation as is more common, rather I want to select values of the attribute.


In order to get the highest "level" I have done this, but it doesn't seem to work. I will try the other suggested method now.

var highLevel=0;
$.each(".object[level]", function(i, value) {
   if (value>highLevel) {



$(".object").attr("level") 只会返回第一个的属性.object 元素.

$(".object").attr("level") will just return the attribute of first the first .object element.

这将为您提供所有 level 的数组:

This will get you an array of all levels:

var list = $(".object").map(function(){return $(this).attr("level");}).get();

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07-23 14:26