

我刚刚更新了IDE,插件版本和库依赖关系,现在无法构建我的项目. SBT在执行时抛出java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sbt/TrackLevel.我也无法运行./sbt clean,因为它试图加载项目并失败并出现相同的错误.

I have just updated the IDE, plugin version and library dependencies, and now I can't build my project. SBT throws java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sbt/TrackLevel when executed. I also can't run ./sbt clean since it attempts to load the project and fails with the same error.



That can happen for various reasons, usually because of some mismatched versions or leftover caches. Surprisingly often, sbt can't gracefully handle updating plugins, let alone itself and it's the reason I waste hours every time I decide to refresh my project and bump up versions.


You know, just in case. Pay attention to the plugin/dependency you've just updated and whether anything is mentioned in its changelog. Keep this in mind while going through the Attempt 1.

这是一个更新所有(其他)依赖项和插件的好机会(当然,如果这不会破坏您的项目,但是除非您已经在使用不赞成使用的方法,否则不应该这样).这样做可能会解决此问题,因此,请在build.sbt中查找您所引用的库依赖关系,project/plugins.sbt中的插件以及project/build.properties中的sbt版本本身,并将其更新为最新版本(请咨询Google和相应的存储库,例如 http://mvnrepository.com ).

This is a good chance to update all (other) dependencies and plugins (of course, if that doesn't break your project but it shouldn't be the case unless you're already using deprecated methods). Doing so might resolve the issue, so look up library dependencies you're referencing in your build.sbt, plugins from project/plugins.sbt and sbt version itself in project/build.properties and bring them up to their latest versions (consult Google and appropriate repositories, e.g. http://mvnrepository.com).


If you're still using activator or play commands to build your project, grab the Java/Scala seed or one of the templates from Play donwload page, extract and copy sbt (if you intend building it on Linux), sbt.bat (if you intend running it on Windows) and sbt-dist directory into your project and feel free to delete any references to activator from your project. Try executing ./sbt and see if it works.


Since you're still reading this, chances are updating dependencies didn't really do the job. Well, at least now you have a refreshed project.

删除target/.删除project/target/.删除project/project/target/.诅咒任何想出这些缓存名称及其路径的人. (提示:在按住Delete键的同时按住shift键将跳过回收站并永久删除文件.)尝试再次构建该项目,希望现在一切正常.

Remove target/. Remove project/target/. Remove project/project/target/. Curse whomever came up with those cache names and their paths. (Protip: holding shift while hitting delete will skip the recycle bin and delete the files permanently.) Attempt to built the project again and hope everything is okay now.


In case it didn't do the job, as a last resort we're gonna remove all the caches and start fresh. Repeat step 2 in case previous failed build left something behind.

导航到您的主文件夹.删除.ivy和/或.ivy2.删除.sbt,或者如果它包含某些配置,您要保留将其重命名为例如.sbt.old并随后还原特定文件.由于这些目录可能包含成千上万个文件,因此可能需要一段时间. (您可以在此处删除所有IDE缓存,但我从未遇到过这个问题-无论如何,它会在下次启动时重建整个项目,因为您已经销毁了大部分依赖它的东西)

Navigate to your home folder. Remove .ivy and/or .ivy2. Remove .sbt, or in case it contains some configuration you want to retain rename it to e.g. .sbt.old and restore specific files afterwards. It could take a while since those directories could contain dozens of thousands of files. (You could delete all IDE caches here, but I've never encountered that being the issue - it will rebuild the whole project on next launch anyway since you've destroyed most of which it relies on already)


Go back to your project folder and rerun ./sbt. That could take a few minutes since it will download all dependencies (including sbt and Play themselves) and put them in place. After that, you will have fresh project, as if you've build it from source on a clean machine.


In case it still doesn't work, you can safely assume it's either mistake in your build files (triple check them again) or a bug in the build system.


09-01 19:31