




Me and My friend had an app idea. I have been working on the app for a while, now it is finished and we want to release it on App Store. I have never published/released an app before.


Few weeks ago another app has been released by an enterprise company and their app is too similar to our app. The way their app works is almost identical to our app. Also incredible similarities on interface.


My question is if I try to release my app, what is the possibility of rejection of the app by App store with the reason of Possible duplicate of another app. Or rejection with any reason because two apps are almost identical.


Has anyone experience that kind of situation before?


Enterprise company's App has been stated Patent Pending on company website.



First and foremost, ask a lawyer if you want to be sure.

其次,您可以提交您的应用程序,并找出苹果公司说什么。有成千上万的App Store上的应用程序重复的。如果应用程序看起来极其相似您的应用程序,只要确定谁设计你的应用程序从他们的应用程序没有借用,或者在项目等。

Secondly, you can submit your app and find out what Apple says. There are thousands of duplicate apps on the App store. If the app looks eerily similar to your app, just make sure whoever designed your app didn't "borrow" from their app, or work on the project, etc.


Also, patent pending means very little in the real world, as is. It just means the company applied for a patent (stating that and not having applied is illegal). When, and only when a patent is approved, can legal action be taken. And it also can't be enforced retroactively.


Lastly, be prepared. If it's a big enterprise that put the app out and they think you're copying, etc, just get your ducks in a row. Find the date you registered you app name, created documentation, all that fun stuff. And good luck.


07-23 14:11