

本文介绍了对于推送通知Phonegap-支持的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 我分析PhoneGap的使用情况,将用于创建4的移动应用程序I am analyzing phonegap usage for 4 mobile apps which will be created for的iOS(iPhone和放大器; iPad的4.2.1+)的Andr​​oid(2.2 +)黑莓(5.0以上)的Windows phone(7 +)我找不到在PhoneGap的推送通知的原生支持。虽然我可以谷歌为iOS和Android平台使用不同的框架,如pushwoosh和城市空气推送通知的支持。I could not find native support for push notifications in phonegap. Though I could google for push notification support for iOS and Android using different frameworks like pushwoosh and urban air.有没有可以解决所有上述平台推送通知的通用框架?Is there a common framework which can address push notifications for all the above mentioned platforms?推荐答案有一个在PhoneGap的推式通知没有原生支持。由于这些因平台而异,有插件,虽然。There is no native support in phonegap for push notifications. Since these vary by platform, there are plugins, though.您必须找到一个插件,你要每个平台。这里有一个插件的Andr​​oid版本: https://github.com/marknutter/GCM-Cordova这里是一个用于iOS的: https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap -plugins /树/主/的iOS / PushNotification 我没有找到插件或Windows7的黑莓,但我所做的只是一个粗略的搜索。You'll have to find a plugin for each platform you want. Here's a plugin for Android: https://github.com/marknutter/GCM-Cordovaand here's one for iOS: https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugins/tree/master/iOS/PushNotification I didn't find plugins for Windows7 or Blackberry, but all I did was a cursory search.正如上面提到的,有服务,提供跨平台的兼容性一定程度,并提供服务器端API,这样就可以通过一个REST调用(或类似的东西)发推装置。这些服务也可以提供集成的PhoneGap一定水平(通过插件)。As mentioned above, there are services that provide some level of cross platform compatibility and provide server side APIs, so that you can send push to devices via a REST call (or something similar). These services also may provide some level of phonegap integration (via plugins).下面是支持你提到的4个平台,我发现服务:Here are the services I have found that support the 4 platforms you mentioned:在城市飞艇: http://urbanairship.com/ Pushwoosh: http://pushwoosh.com/ Xtify: http://xtify.com/ (现在是IBM公司,这里是它们所支持的平台: http://developer.xtify.com/display/sdk/下载+在+ IBM +推送通知+ +的SDK 的)Urban Airship: http://urbanairship.com/Pushwoosh: http://pushwoosh.com/Xtify: http://xtify.com/ (now an ibm company, here's the platforms they support: http://developer.xtify.com/display/sdk/Download+the+IBM+Push+Notification+SDKs ) 这篇关于对于推送通知Phonegap-支持的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
07-23 14:02