I'm having some trouble understanding the behavior of select.select. Please consider the following Python program:
def str_to_hex(s):
def dig(n):
if n > 9:
return chr(65-10+n)
return chr(48+n)
r = ''
while len(s) > 0:
c = s[0]
s = s[1:]
a = ord(c) / 16
b = ord(c) % 16
r = r + dig(a) + dig(b)
return r
while True:
ans,_,_ = select.select([sys.stdin],[],[])
print ans
s = ans[0].read(1)
if len(s) == 0: break
print str_to_hex(s)
I have saved this to a file "test.py". If invoke it as follows:
echo 'hello' | ./test.py
然后我得到预期的行为:select never块,所有数据都是印刷;程序然后终止。
then I get the expected behavior: select never blocks and all of the data is printed; the program then terminates.
But if I run the program interactively, I get a most undesirable behavior. Please consider the following console session:
$ ./test.py
[<open file '<stdin>', mode 'r' at 0xb742f020>]
程序然后挂在那里; select.select现在再次阻止。直到我提供更多输入或关闭输入流才会打印下一个字符(以及所有其余字符),即使已经有字符在等待!任何人都可以向我解释这种行为吗?我在一个我编写的流隧道程序中看到类似的东西并且它破坏了整个事件。
The program then hangs there; select.select is now blocking again. It is not until I provide more input or close the input stream that the next character (and all of the rest of them) are printed, even though there are already characters waiting! Can anyone explain this behavior to me? I am seeing something similar in a stream tunneling program I have written and it's wrecking the entire affair.
更高的抽象级别。当你执行 ans [0] .read(1)
时,python实际上从操作系统读取更多的字节并在内部缓冲它们。 select
不知道这个额外的缓冲;它只会看到所有内容都已被读取,因此会阻止,直到EOF或更多输入到达。您可以通过运行类似 strace -e read,选择python yourprogram.py
The read
method of sys.stdin
works at a higher level of abstraction than select
. When you do ans[0].read(1)
, python actually reads a larger number of bytes from the operating system and buffers them internally. select
is not aware of this extra buffering; It only sees that everything has been read, and so will block until either an EOF or more input arrives. You can observe this behaviour by running something like strace -e read,select python yourprogram.py
一个解决方案是用 os.read(ans [0] .fileno(),1)$替换
ans [0] .read(1)
C $ C>。 os.read
One solution is to replace ans[0].read(1)
with os.read(ans[0].fileno(), 1)
. os.read
is a lower level interface without any buffering between it and the operating system, so it's a better match for select
或者,使用 -u
python >命令行选项似乎也禁用了额外的缓冲。
Alternatively, running python
with the -u
commandline option also seems to disable the extra buffering.
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