本文介绍了如何使用 rspec 为具有自定义属性的序列化程序编写单元测试的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用 ruby​​-2.5.0 和 rails 5 进行 RoR 项目.我正在为我的 api 使用 jsonapi-serializers.我有一个带有自定义属性的序列化程序,如下所示:-

Hi i am working on a RoR project with ruby-2.5.0 and rails 5. I am using the jsonapi-serializers for my api. I have a serializer with custom attribute as follows:-

class ReceiptPartialSerializer
  include JSONAPI::Serializer

  TYPE = 'receipt'
  attribute :id
  attribute :receipt_partials

  attribute :receipt_partials do
    receipt_container = []
    object.receipt_partials.each do |partial|
      receipt_partial = {}
      receipt_partial['id'] = partial.id
      receipt_partial['image_url'] = 'https:' + partial&.picture&.url
      receipt_container << receipt_partial


My spec file for this serializer is:-

RSpec.describe ReceiptPartialSerializer do
  let(:id) { 1 }
  let(:image_url) { 'https:/images/original/missing.png' }
  let(:receipt_id) { 1 }
  let(:receipt_partial) do
      receipt_id: receipt_id

  subject { JSONAPI::Serializer.serialize(receipt_partial) }

  it { is_expected.to have_jsonapi_attributes('image-url' => image_url) }


But when i run my test it doesnot cover my custom attribute which is receipt_partials.Any idea how can i cover my custom attribute. Thanks in advance.


看起来您只是在测试序列化程序的一个属性 - image-url.您是否尝试为 receipt_partial 返回的内容添加期望?您可以使用以下方法将收据部分存储在测试中的方法中:

It looks like you're only testing one attribute of your serializer - which is image-url. Have you tried adding an expectation for what is returned by receipt_partial? You could store receipt partial in a method in your test by using something like so:

def receipt_partial
  @receipt_partial ||= ReceiptPartial.new(receipt_id: receipt_id)


And then update your test to look like this:

describe ReceiptPartialSerializer do
  let(:id) { 1 }
  let(:image_url) { 'https:/images/original/missing.png' }
  let(:receipt_id) { 1 }
  let(:receipt_partial) { receipt_partial }

  subject { JSONAPI::Serializer.serialize(receipt_partial) }

  it { is_expected.to have_jsonapi_attributes('image-url' => image_url) }
  it { is_expected.to have_jsonapi_attributes('receipt_partial' => receipt_partial) }

  def receipt_partial
    @receipt_partial ||= ReceiptPartial.new(receipt_id: receipt_id)

您需要检查 have_jsonapi_attributes 是否接受一个数组,如果接受,您可以将该期望语句合并为所有序列化程序参数的一个大期望值.

You'll want to check if have_jsonapi_attributes accepts an array, and if it does, you could consolidate that expectation statement into one large expectation of all of your serializer's arguments.

此外,根据我的回答此处,我相信序列化程序应该在测试时明确期望返回的内容,而不是测试是否包含给定的属性.这是我第一次看到 have_jsonapi_attributes 助手,所以如果这是有效的方式,那就太好了.否则,可能值得调整您对返回内容的明确期望的测试.

Also, per my answer here, I believe serializers should be tested with explicit expectations for what is returned, instead of testing whether a given attribute is included. This is my first time seeing the have_jsonapi_attributes helper, so if that's the way that works, great. Otherwise, it might be worth adjusting your test for explicit expectations for what is returned.

这篇关于如何使用 rspec 为具有自定义属性的序列化程序编写单元测试的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-23 13:45